What makes you feel better after a night out?

Inspired from /AskUK
I wonder what you guys do!
For me, I have a routine after a night out cause I know if I don’t, I’ll feel shit 😂
I’ll either go to a conbini to get a bento 🍱 preferably beef and rice then miso soup. If I’m too drunk to function, at least two onigiri 🍙 ~ or I go to those 24h beef bowl places and order gyuudon and miso soup on the side.. the key for me is always rice, meat, miso soup— and that anti hangover drink in a small golden bottle they sell in convenience store. People say drink it before drinking but I like drinking it before and after. Just a personal preference cause it works better for me.
then once I finish having those, I make sure I shower. No matter how drunk I am— I always need to shower. I hate the smell of smoke in my hair !
And Before I sleep, I force myself to drink a glass of water or pocari sweat. I always make sure I have a bottle of water by the bed side cause I know I’ll wake up in the middle of my sleep bec of dehydration lol

Idk how my drunk self does this, but she never fails haha!

  1. I take N-acetylcysteine with Vitamin C before drinking, then have a banana (potassium) and Pedialyte before bed. If I’m semi-coherent, I’ll give myself a b12 injection.

  2. I get either the biggest burger or the biggest ramen I can find, eat then sleep.

  3. Salty Lychee was my saviour, and Lawsons chicken.

    This thread reminds me why I stopped drinking.

  4. Wake up hungover as shit around noon and go to my pho joint for a nice large bowl of pho.

  5. Onigiri + one of those triangle packets of edamame, 2 of those tomato and spinach juice boxes, 1 vitamin C drink, and a glass of water before bed. This combo has let me swerve a hangover on numerous occasions

  6. I like to eat the skin off of KFC chicken and snort the gravy off of the potatoes. Put the mashed potatoes in your right shoe and walk home. Best hangover cure ever. If you doubt me, just try it.

  7. I stopped drinking, but when I used to go out and drink, I would never go straight to bed, and I would always drink 1L of water before going to bed. For drinking, I kept sugary drinks and cocktails to a minimum and stuck to whiskey on the rocks. I would also have a little bit of food.

    I usually never woke up with a hangover. Sometimes I’d have a bit of a stomachache, but that’s it.

  8. The old standby used to be a bunch of bacon and toast and a big glass of OJ.

    Now it’s electrolyte mix and a big shot of caffeine. Much more effective. A large part of your hangover is dehydration and electrolyte imbalance – fixing that takes care of the worst of things.

  9. >anti hangover drink in a small golden bottle

    Are you referring to those small aluminum bottles with tumeric in them?

    I’ve heard that you should drink them before drinking alcohol.

  10. I used to overdo it on the hangover food and it just made me fat. The preplan is just as important as the hangover cure. Specifically:

    1. Drink at least one bottle of water before the alcohol starts, like on the way
    2. Avoid alcohol with sugar, and don’t mix drinks too much. Water between drinks helps but if you’re going for maximum drunk effect I don’t blame you for skipping
    3. Eat dinner at your normal hour and something with a lot of salt, fiber and more water when you get home. A rice bowl, pasta from the kombini, etc.
    4. Two Bufferins regardless of whether you have a headache or not
    5. As soon as you wake up more water and coffee, and try to poop as fast as possible to get as much of it out of your system faster. Puking also works but if you do this too regularly the bile coming from your stomach will mess up your teeth

    Happy trails

  11. Once I drank a heparize (similar to your golden bottle) after coming home around 5am and vomited out all of it one hour later 😂 straight up yellow mix of yummynesss

    Since then I only take the pill version of the anti hangover drink lol

  12. Had a paramedic friend that swore by drinking ukon before getting started, and then when getting home by taking 1 ibuprofen (Eve – イブ) and drinking a bottle of OS-1.

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