Starting a Part-Time Job While Employed Full-Time

I am currently employed full-time at an eikaiwa on a humanities visa. Recently, I’ve been offered a part-time job as an event helper, involving occasional weekend events, once or twice a month.

I’ve discussed this opportunity with my eikaiwa supervisor, and I was informed that as long as it doesn’t violate my existing contract (e.g., teaching on the side or taking clients), what I do in my free time is my choice.

Has anyone been in a similar situation? What should be my initial steps? Should I contact immigration in advance, or is it acceptable to apply for additional part-time work when needed? Are there any preparations I should make beforehand? Should I ask for written consent from my employer?

  1. If the job is within the scope of work that you’re allowed to do on the visa you have, then there isn’t a problem.

  2. If you are on a humanities visa you will most likely have to get a 特別許可 or special permission to engage In activities outside the scope of our visa. I had to do this when I worked at a factory part time and an eikawa at the same time. If you don’t, you are technically doing illegal work.

    I mean sounds like you are doing physical work at these events right (taking stuff down/ set stuff up etc)? If that’s the case, you will definitely have to get permission from immigration.

  3. In order to get the permit at Immigrations you will need the written permission from your employer or the contract where it is written that you can work during your free time.

    Do not be shocked if the person who told you it was OK refuses to give you the written permission. (I hire part timers and this type of situation is very very usual)

  4. Many people do it.

    Don’t ask, don’t tell, read your contract, do it regardless and don’t tell.

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