Where is the best place to sell stuff online now?

I’ve got a lot of stuff I’d like to offload. The most valuable of which is motorcycle parts.

If I sell on eBay I can collect that sweet sweet USD, but I also lose money on shipping.

I buy a lot on yahoo auctions but I’ve never sold there. With a good buyer rating and no seller rating is it easy to sell?

I’ve never been able to get the ID verification to work on Mercari so I don’t use it. Is that more popular now? And I don’t know anything about Jomodei either.

Lots of questions:

– Can I just take random boxes to the post office? Like fairings and mufflers won’t fit inside their standard boxes.

– Do people usually use cardboard for these with lots of packing or should I build plywood crates?

– Can plywood crates even ship from a normal post office?

Any other suggestions welcomed

  1. Can I just take random boxes to the post office? Like fairings and mufflers won’t fit inside their standard boxes.

    Not to the post office. You need to use parcel delivery services like Yamato. As long as it’s under the maximum size and packed in a cardboard box. If it’s a heavy item eg. Motors, plywood crates would be necessary.

    If you can’t find a suitable cardboard box. You can make your own.

  2. I sold exhaust systems on Yahoo Auction in the past and shipped with custom-sized cardboard boxes with no issues.

  3. I’d go Yahoo auctions. I’ve sold items like bumpers and car seats using custom cardboard boxes with adequate padding; I have customers pay for shipping and I get Kuroneko (never dealt with post office) to collect so I don’t have to do any legwork aside from packing.Or you could also have customers pick it up which would save a lot of trouble.

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