Hospital says I need another test for my liver, overkill?

Gpt is 62, anyone else have experience with this? I see the western standard for high gpt is around 100. I’m a white male 31 years old 180cm 85kg.

  1. if you want a free blood checkup go to a nearby red cross and donate blood they’ll give a free blood report.

  2. Welcome to the fatty liver club buddy.

    I had the exact same problem and had the exact same discussion with the doctor. In my country the normal range for it is 10-60. Mine was 55 in the annual check-up. I was asked to do another test. I tried to haggle with the doctor to waive the test. The doctor didn’t budge. Spent another 5k just to get diagnosed with fatty liver. Was not given any medication and was just asked to go easy on the booze.

    Also 31 yo male, not sure about my race, 175cm 75kg

  3. Do you WANT to be as healthy as the average american? Come on bro listen to the doctors lol.

  4. The liver is called the silent organ because it does not have symptoms until it is too late.

    A friend of mine collapsed and died in front of his family from liver disease. I’d take your doctor’s advice.

  5. I (white male 28 in Japan) lift weights and therefore have extended periods of spiked ALT levels. I was strongly recommended (essentially made to) by my company to get a second opinion based on the blood test form my annual health check up because my liver function was abnormal.
    The doc looked at me, asked me if I went to the gym, and immediately dismissed my abnormal ALT level and some other heightened component as a byproduct of weight lifting. I still paid to get the ultrasound on my liver and another blood test just to be certain but it was completely unnecessary in my case.

    I’m not a doctor but I read the research paper my company sent me as a reference for exercise and its effect on the liver. Moderate to intense exercise can affect liver test results for up to 7 days after it takes place. I was advised to refrain from lifting for a week before my next check up.

  6. If you’re an alcoholic ignore it until we die. If not ya go get checked again cause that’s my like 5 years ago daily drinking numbers

  7. Are you drinking alcohol in the last month?

    I got jauncide and hospitalized for one week from blocked bile flow and my gpt shot to 200, I am discharged with gpt around 60~70 because they think below 80 is good enough, I think they just need an explanation for your gpt level

  8. Since you are an MD, have read all the other data on prior tests, and have had years of experience, why waste your time listening to a doctor and spend two minutes and ¥500 on a test? Grab a brewsky and wait for Thursday Night Football. Got Nachos too?


  9. Do it. I had 191 gpt at my annual health check. Had to test again and just got the results: 32 – 3 months later.

    No idea what my liver freaked out about. I don’t drink anymore but I had Covid before the checkup. Might be some inflammation from that lingering inside the body. Who knows. Take it easy and prioritise your health you only got one liver.

  10. Sure, ignore it. It’s only your liver, not like you need that to keep living or anything. What could go wrong?

    Seriously though…. Considering how cheap health care in Japan is and how important a functioning liver is to your continued survival, go and get the recommended tests.

  11. Do you go to the gym or take any supplements? If so, then it it is not that unexpected. I always need to argue with them about this, because they don’t know…same for basic blood parameters for kidney function.

  12. Mine came in at 23 and I drink most days.. test says <=50 is fine.. I’d go check it again, your not old enough to be fucked up.

  13. I believe you mean GGT, not GPT. Was your ALT elevated? In the US at least, GGT is measured IF the ALT is elevated. You also need to know the unit of measure. Different laboratories use different reference ranges.

    A single marker that is out of range on a blood test (depending on the marker and how out of range) is not always a major concern. Blood work is meant to be read as a whole. Additionally, a thorough lifestyle history needs to be taken into account (including alcohol consumption, drugs {legal and prescribed} supplements, diet, etc) when interpreting lab results. Also, it’s helpful to compare previous labs if you have any, as trends are also very important.

    I’m a veterinary nurse, not an MD. I would have your level rechecked. If you’re asymptotic they’ll probably ask you to come back in 1-2 months.

    “A GGT test may be ordered when you have an elevated ALP level. An ALP test may be ordered alone or as part of a routine liver panel to screen for liver damage, even if no symptoms are present. The GGT test may be ordered when results of the ALP test are high but other tests that are part of the liver panel (such as AST and ALT) are not increased.”

  14. Definitely follow it up.
    I had my health check about 10 days after having covid last year and it came back with abnormal ast/alt levels. So I decided to get it checked up. With the ultrasound they found a cancer in one of my kidneys purely by chance. The liver was then the least of my worries, just a bit on the fatty side. The cancer is now removed as it was found early and still only a small tumour. I’m glad I erred on the side of caution.

  15. It’s 7-56 normal range for men. So yeah, get another test. Could be nothing, could be a viral infection, could be something more serious. As somebody else said, liver diseases can be silent killers.

  16. 0-40 is considered normal by my doctor’s metrics. i had a liver transplant last year. late stage liver failure is not cute. i was eating about 400 calories a day & still gaining weight, i was anemic from all my blood pooling in my legs since the unhealthy red blood cells can’t perform their function anymore, so they’ll clot where they shouldn’t & not clot where they should. 金玉 the size of a grapefruit. did you get a bilirubin score? the enzymes come more into play on a smaller scale that can be affected by several things, but bilirubin is a quick way to give you a better picture.

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