Hi everyone. I’ll be releasing a book on September 21 about improving how we teach English as a foreign language worldwide. *Our Global Lingua Franca: An Educator’s Guide to Spreading English Where EFL Doesn’t Work* explores the cultural and economic importance of spreading English as a universal language. It’s based on my experience having taught in more than a dozen countries and observing the persistent flaws that prevent the majority of learners from developing even conversational English fluency, let alone true fluency.
I’m looking for early readers who would like to receive a free copy of *Our Global Lingua Franca* and would be willing to leave an honest review on Amazon or Goodreads when it releases. These early reviews are crucial to building an audience for the book and ensuring its success. Just let me know what format you prefer (epub, pdf, or audiobook).
Good luck mate. Only 99c for Kindle so I’ll grab one to support the cause.
I’d prefer the audiobook. I have a trainless commute and a horribly busy workday.
Sure I would be happy to help. I would prefer an audiobook.
Hey dude, I would be delighted to receive a book from you! I have a passion in teaching and I always felt that more can be done to teach English to foreigners!
I would absolutely love a hard copy if you have one or a PFF file :). I will give you a lengthy review!
Awesome dude congrats, I’ll have a PDF version please!
That’s awesome! Can I have the pdf or audiobook please. Thanks!
I tried looking on the page for the book but…. what are your qualifications?
I know it’s a blunt question that comes with a lot of baggage, but you say you’ve “taught” in more than a dozen countries. Is this written from the perspective of an assistant teacher/tutor with a BA in whatever bouncing from country to country, or is this written upon a solid base of pedagogy, modern understanding of language acquisition, and experience as a full teacher in actual schools?
I’d be far more interested in the latter, since there is a genuine need to update and spread the last 20-30 years of SLA findings, research, and pedagogy in the East in general but for many complicated reasons it hasn’t happened yet. Slamming down that you’ve got the answers and you’ve condensed it into a guide all in the title would be a bit bold even for an experienced PhD that’s published on the topic, but I’d be willing to give it a read if it’s evidence based and has done it’s due diligence for such a big topic.
Best of luck, pre-ordered and looking forward to the read!
I’ll read it if you’re still looking for feedback. pdf, if so. Cheers.