Question on the use of the interpunct, at least I think that’s what it’s called (・)

So I often take to reading raw Japanese language manga as a hobby, and I may have possibly realized something about the use of the interpunct to convey particular emotions.

In Volume 1 of Fairy Tail, Lucy’s got her eyes on a Celestial Key, and she tries to haggle the clerk into lowering the price for her by attempting to seduce him, as follows:

**Lucy:** いくら? (How much is it?)

**Clerk:** 2まん ジュエル。(20,000 Jewels.)

**Lucy:** *お・い・く・ら・か・し・ら? (How much?)*

**Clerk:** だから 2まん ジュエル。(I said, 20,000 Jewels.)

**Lucy:** ほんとう は おいくら かしら? ステキな おじさま ♡ (How much is it really? You wonderful old man ♡)

The use of the interpunct in the text in italics reminded me of another quote I found elsewhere: おかえりなさい、 あなた! ごはん を たべる? おふろ に する?それとも、*わ・た・し?* (Welcome home, you! Do you want to have dinner? Take a bath? Or, perhaps, *me?*)

So this sent me into a lightbulb moment: is separating characters with an interpunct used to signify that the speaker is being playful or seductive?

1 comment
  1. I also have the exact same question, I just read the japanese version of berserk today and Guts said オレはただやつを見つけ出し殺す、他のことは知・ら・な・い・, It wouldn’t make any sense if his intention is being seductive, maybe to to emphasize that he doesn’t care at all about another thing. cmiiw

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