Hello! Still on the hund for a job, I have just noticed something.
Compared to 2 months ago, I see jobs on major sites paying slightly more (talking about only a 20000¥ increase on average, but it’s still something).
I am also noticing a considerable drop in the number of applicants for a position.
I must say I am ecstatic about this since it can only mean that I can find a slightly higher paying job faster. I just want to know if there has been a change I should be aware of. ALT positions seem unchanged on the other side.
I am also talking about visa sponsoring jobs, so not the ideal eikaiwa that you can only find with a visa.
Is this only a coincidence, or is the demand higher in the Autunm? Just a curiosity of mine, since people have been telling me that the marked for English teachers is at its worst.
Remind me! 24 hours
There has always been a spike in new students around the end of summer. Around the end of summer vacation is the second most popular time for children to start new classes (after March/April).
This is also the first year in a while that Covid is more or less under control and no longer negatively pulling student numbers down. Hopefully there’s good times ahead for the schools that weathered the storm and are going into the post Covid era with established brands.
There shouldn’t be any major change in the number Alts since public schools resumed normal class schedules years ago.
Good news. Keep inspiring those great people to enjoy English 👍
Wouldn’t there be fewer people coming over since airfares are so high? I don’t even check but I overheard a colleague say something like $4000!! (for he and his wife to Chicago).
No, Eikawa did not just decide to increase salaries. How are you noticing a drop in applicants?
My own personal opinion but it might be due to burnout over COVID.
I know a lot of people who were stretched to their limits during the pandemic and have since quit or had higher demands of their companies. I know SO MANY people bowing out right now, (my self included a few months ago).
My impression is that companies might be a bit more desperate, but who knows?