Weekly Complaint Thread – 28 September 2023

It’s the weekly complaint thread! Time to get anything off your chest that’s been bugging you or pissing you off.

Remain civil and be nice to other commenters (even try to help).

* No politics
* No complaints about users of JapanLife

  1. My coworker’s a lazy. Doesn’t do overtime and when he got too loaded he passes the work on me. Why you damn little

  2. Got a phone call of complaint last week, so the shipping company out of nowhere complained to me that he “drove around Nerima station for hours and couldn’t find my address” then blame me for the address as it’s written “Tokyo, Nerima **City**, xxxx”.

    Dude, what the heck? I just followed how it officially says from the City Office, they adviced me to write the address as “Nerima City” for international/alphabet and “Nerima-ku” in kanji if it’s written in Japanese letters. Even other delivery company delivered another package successfully the next day with the exact same address.

  3. My friend got hit by a car on his bicycle and now he needs surgery on his leg that’s going to keep him in the hospital for a whole month. They’re claiming because of covid that he’s not allowed to have any visitors the whole time. I’m absolutely livid on his behalf.

  4. Boss got me tickets for the Netherlands via Narita instead of KIX because it was cheaper, but I have to get to NRT myself, the price of which will be much higher than if I just went via KIX.

    Oh well, I have a bigger problem (lack of a passport) that hopefully will be resolved before then…

  5. Also, this subreddit has really gone to shit.

    The complaint thread is dead, but “lolwackyjapan” threads get 600+ comments in a number of hours. The daily question thread experiment seems to have failed. LPT threads consist of “Money can be exchanged for goods and services” level of tips.

  6. Does anyone else have a neighbor who deploys sonic weaponry against the teens and pets? I have a neighbor with a very high frequency squealer device that has a motion sensor. When something passes in front it squelches some ungodly sound and it hurts my ears. I could understand if it was in their driveway or pointed toward their property, but it is instead pointed at the road. Cars, bikes, pedestrians all trigger this horrible fucking thing.

  7. What’s the point of having multiple timeslots when you are already going to be more or less sold out after the first timeslot ?

    Reserved a timeslot for the new Gelato Pique Pokemon collection. They had four different timeslot. Unfortunately, I didn’t get the first timeslot out of the four which means all the good items sold out after the first timeslot.

    Only things left are like the things I don’t want. Not going to be a single item last for those in the last timeslot that’s for sure. What’s the point having such a limited stock ?

  8. I’m in line waiting for the subway. The guy in front of me reeks of sweat… he’s picking out his armpit hair and eating it up.

    Obviously he has mental issues, but still, why? WHYYYY?

  9. – tried a vitamin multipack and it was friggin awesome, made me feel great BUT it’s a fancy mega supplement for serious athletes, etc. so of course it’s hella expensive and no way can i budget that.

    – got a nit-picky complaint relayed to me that i didn’t properly greet one of the power tripping micromanagers. asked who and when, was told oh just moments ago when “M” entered the building. sooo, when i was outside. before work. not on the clock. absorbed in my phone. (plus he never said boo to me so there’s that too!) well, that’s an easy fix. i’ll no longer wait by the door but around the corner till it’s my time to go in, and M doesn’t have to worry about what i’m doing in *my own private unpaid time!*

  10. Where has all the liquor chocolate gone?

    I used to like the cassis one, but no combini sell any flavours at all anymore that I can see…

  11. US student loan payments starting up again in a few weeks, coinciding with an absolutely abysmal yen to dollar exchange rate. Ouch.

    Plus, a regular freelance client just informed me that the department is getting restructured, so it looks like I’m out 70,000 a month now.

  12. I read something about how saying「なるほど」to your boss is considered rude and that you should use some overly contrived bullshit like「たしかに、おっしゃる通りと存じます」instead. Like you’re not licking the proverbial feet of their words enough if you なるほど them.

    All I could think was that the only people who could actually give a shit about this are the most bored, redundant middle managers who literally do fuck all at work.

  13. The Kirin “Salty Litchi” keeps disappearing from shelves.

    Also, Akihabara is not as it used to be.

  14. – tired. Might be able to pay off this semesters tuition but I’m wondering if it’s worth it, the physical state I’m in

    – missed a deadline. My discipline is terrible lately.

    – a whole fiasco happened wherin me and my floormates were blamed for not cleaning the dorm bathroom or taking out the trash because there were bugs. We did clean it and took out the trash. The cause of the bugs was actually someone throwing sanitary products in the bin completely unwrapped days after we cleaned it….

    I recleaned the bathroom, took out the trash and killed the bugs. Took a picture of it in it’s clean state this time and sent it to the group chat.

    I was so angry that day.

    – ADHD

    – tired.

  15. I think I know why my code is “failing”.

    Instead of copying folders that are maybe total to a few gigabytes like we discussed, you are trying to copy entire drives that much closer to terabytes, on a server with an “awe-inspiring” 8GB of RAM, and when I open the Task Manager, I can’t help but notice the several hundred processes running in the background.

    I mean, I’m more of a software guy than a hardware guy, (I’m guessing that’s supposed to be your area of expertise, because you are incapable of programming, testing and managing anything IT related), but I have a hunch you would be more gainfully employed handing out pocket tissues at the local train station, closely supervised, of course.

  16. Having a clear out. I have two big drawers FULLLL of makeup that I don’t use, but can’t throw away because it’s a waste and “I might use it!” (even though I almost definitely won’t…). I sell my once-used high-end stuff, but cheaper items get chucked in *~the drawer~*

    A few years ago I did sell a 28 item job lot of drug store cosme on Mercari… it sold for ¥4000 haha. Maybe I should do that again

    I don’t hoard anything else, so god knows why I have accumulated all this crap over the past two years. I’m a sucker for cosme marketing I guess :)) plus with makeup you never know if you’re gonna like something until you buy it. Which results in this situation I guess :(((

  17. Trying to return something on Mercari, sold as new but obviously not, now we’re having a most humble keigo duel, this prick is using 弊社 and 御社 likes he’s some embodiment of a fucking company.

  18. Students calling in sick. But never the last student. That kid is always an ox. Would like to go home and get my three day weekend started but instead I’m scrolling until the last lesson of the day.

  19. Ugh, TMI but I am an incel. I mean that in the original sense of the word. Involuntary celibate. The old wife is preggo so she’s constantly nauseous, throwing up, or generally just tired. I’d imagine a lot of married guys are in my shoes? And once the little one is born it’ll be, what, several weeks until she’s physically recovered from birthing and several months until she’s mentally in the mood? I’m looking at like a year without fucking.

  20. I could theoretically work anywhere in the world, but I’m not even earning enough to leave my immediate area at this point. What’s more is that a lot of my savings this year were drained with a trip back home, and I’m starting to feel really resentful over it, and I hate feeling like that. That money would’ve been seriously life changing for me.

    I’ve probably spent 90% of the last 5 years financially struggling and isolated, not even having enough to really go out at times like during COVID. And no amount of effort seems to change that. I’m so tired of it all.

  21. My husband and I were waiting first in line for ramen the other night and this entitled parent and his kid who was around 8 years old asked my husband if he could go in front of us because he has a kid and the kid was getting hungry and needed to eat quickly, blah blah. My husband became a doormat and said it was ok.

    Complaint 1 is that we are becoming doormats. Years ago we would have said something but more recently we have been avoiding more confrontation.

    Complaint 2 is obviously the entitled parent. There’s a McDonald’s around the corner if you kid is hungry. If he wants to eat ramen and there’s a line he’s gotta wait.

  22. I hate business card culture. You have to do the same mumbling card exchange 8 times, then spread all the cards in order or seniority. Then my whole area is filled with stupid cards. Farts.

  23. Second complaint: I wasn’t around to see all the awesome movies that came out in the 70s and 80s on the big screen. The Temple of Doom must’ve gone that much harder in a theatre than on my measly 13″ TV.

  24. The recruiter keeps showing me questionable workplaces after saying it will be hard to find a job for a job-hopper like me.

    Looks like I have to ignore red flags again to get a job (._.) Then I have to work hard and fake it ’til I make it on said job, and then, thanks not to my nature, I can only last a year or so. And then, I’m the “undesirable quitter” again.

    I’m undesirable? You’re undesirable!

    I would wait for a better chance but I don’t like seeing my savings go (._.) and I’ve already wasted so much on last supposed-to-be employer.

  25. Fed up that my husband comes home for lunch everyday now.
    His old job was an hour away so he’d eat there. Now it’s 10 mins walk away so he always comes back.
    Now it means there has to be something decent available for lunch, and he judges what my toddler eats.
    Today toddler ate a boiled egg, some apple, and toast, and apparently that wasn’t good enough.
    I ate some frozen takoyaki as I couldn’t be bothered to cook anything at that time, and husband ate that too. He seemed annoyed it wasn’t something else.
    I am happy to just eat cereal tbh, some days I can’t be fucked cooking.

  26. My friends cat got caught in a big glue trap designed to exterminate rats and came back to my friends house covered in a hard glue and was completely terrified and basically ready to die.

    So I took it to the vet where I take my cat for checkups and they had to sedate it and shave off a lot of it’s fur and the experience was just traumatizing for the cat and my friend.

  27. I don’t know if my elderly colleague is bullying me or not.

    She really likes to find my mistake and criticising me. Not in front of other people but when I am with her in an office alone, or by email. She only said the “fact” but it’s enough to make you feel how aggressive it was. It is not necessary.

    I’m the type of person that only want to focus on work, not building some kind of fake relationship. Her behaviour really making me want to resign. And it’s happened always everyday.

  28. The Satofuru ふるさと納税 app now supports online submission of one-stop exception applications, so you do not need to do that asinine process of scanning and printing your Mynumber card, pasting it to an application form, and making an origami envelope.

    Instead, the Satofuru app allows you to read the Mynumber card directly from a smartphone with a compatible card reader.

    It is incredibly easier to submit your application…if the fucking app didn’t keep crashing while scanning your Mynumber card.

  29. Lately it’s been a bit cooler so I started up my long runs again through the trails. I love them. Long, slow 20km runs to get to know the wider area and clear ones mind.

    2.5km into the first run I biffed it HARD on a riverside path. Had to walk home looking like a slasher movie survivor. Left knee and elbows bruised and scratched up to all Hell, so that rules out running for 3 weeks at least, and gym too. Also due to not being able to bend my knee properly while it’s being treated, I also cannot enjoy any retro arcade sessions on those sitdown machines. This happened last Thursday but I was too busy raging to complain then.

    At least I have an excuse not to go to Kaldi.

  30. As much as I wanted to complain.. i dunno where.. so I will just share it here.
    So there’s this company who made a job offer to me, got my visa id, and the earliest time to start the work.. that was two to three days after they informed me that i passed the client interview. Weeks had passed they did not followed up professionally.. so I weekly follow up them.. (knowing that i already resigned to work and that i am in the notice period already).. first week without their follow up, i asked them if i should worry because during that week i could still withdrew my resignation, but they assured me that its no big deal.. but then last week of notice period came and they just informed me that the project is on hold.. OMG.. how could i even look for a job right.. I was so disappointed to them.. i wanted to email them but cannot find words to professionally complain how they had messed up my silent world.. shoutout to all those who are experiencing this situation right now..

    i wanted to curse that company.. but then i realized i am a good person and i don’t want to step down to their level..

  31. I went to the home center to pick up a tarp and while waiting in line I could hear some muttering from the old man behind me and what sounded like his wife trying to calm him down.
    As I was paying for my tarp his cart slams into me pretty hard so I turn around and they’re standing like 1.5m behind the cart so he must have pushed it into me on purpose.
    I took a couple of steps towards him and asked what he’s doing and he just takes off power walking back into the store without saying a word, just leaving his wife there apologizing in English and Japanese.

    I thought it was funny that he just bolted after being confronted and I thought my wife would get a chuckle out of it but she was shocked saying I should have demanded that shop security had rounded him up and made him apologize.

  32. Is it normal that Japanese employers/bosses look down on gaijin engineers?

    Well first off, I came from a SEA country, currently working in IT industry in Tokyo. I’m not directly hired here, more like intra-company transfer–but still, there was an employment agreement when I started working here. Now, workload is becoming heavy and I’m getting these vibes from my bosses, like: “Hey, we hired you here, in Japan, and provided all your needs–housing (60% share), allowance, etc.. You came to work here, so you *should* be able to do *all* those.” And I know, salary adjustments or promotions are not expected much, and take years to be granted.

    But in the back of my mind, the total compensation here is just above minimum–based on what I see about wages in Tokyo, and that the company is able to save money (or earn more profit) by hiring gaijin engineers, especially from third world countries..

    Is this just part of the work culture? Or maybe it’s just me not being able to cope up with the job..

  33. My job has been so stressful this year, I ended up in hospital several times and diagnosed with ibs and nervous systmem dysfunction.

  34. i tried to write a really whiny and angry comment but my computer or reddit just completely fucked up the format. so, whatever. I’m grumpy. lets just leave it at that.

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