Terminated from work.How long can I stay in Japan?

Hi there

Will cut to the chase, I got terminated and was given one month notice. My visa does not end until next year march.

I read that you only have 3 months to find a new job and then you need to leave. But I also read somewhere else that there are some people who stayed longer than 3 months.If that’s possible, then I would really want to find work until my visa ends.

I am not sure about this. I am hoping to get some input from someone who went through something similar.

I am aware that I need to inform immigration about my unemployment status ,within two weeks from my last day of work.

Thank you

  1. Just curious for economic anecdotal info, company having trouble or things just didnt work out for you there?

  2. I guess you know the rules already? So no point going there.

    Don’t overstay what is described in your residency card, let immigration know about your job status, and leave if they ask you to do so before your visa expires. This seems to be the major getaway from all experiences I’ve witnessed.

    I’m sorry you’re going through this, best of luck.

  3. The 3 month rules only states that if you are unemployed for 3 months, MOFA has the right to revoke your status. In practice however, so long as you can demonstrate you are making an effort to find a job, they won’t revoke your status and you can stay until the expiration. Although if you are unemployed too long, you might get stuck with 1 year renewals.

  4. Which status of residency are you on?

    If HSP(i) you’ve got 3 months.

    If another work visa, you’ve got until it expires as long as you can demonstrate you’re actively job hunting.

    Just make sure you notify immigration within 14 days after your final day with previous employer and enroll in and pay NHI and national pension (or try obtain exemptions) and continue to pay all required taxes etc

  5. You can stay up to the day your visa expires. Anyone feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.

    The “3 month rule” is when the government can ‘start’ the revocation process. As in, they are in the right to contact you to inquire about your status. They conduct interviews at this time so it would be best to be already signed up with Hellowork and show them evidence of your job hunting. I would also make sure to keep paying your taxes. You can opt out of pension once you lose your job I think, but you’ll have to re enter into the program once you find work.

    Job hunting is part of the activities of your visa (HSP excluded). If you show proof of job hunting all the way up to your visa expiration date, you haven’t broken any laws. Your visa will most definitely not be renewed though without a sponsor.


    Anecdotecally, I lost my job in 2020 due to covid and was out of work for 4 months until I found my next job. I wasn’t contacted once by immigration. Granted, this was during covid so I’m sure the immigration office were more laxed when it came to visa revocation.

    I believe the amount of visa revocations they do a year is public information. They aren’t going to waste time on a simple individual who lost/quit their job and staying past 3 months, legally. They are looking for people overstaying their visa or conducting any other illegal activities.

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