Is the jelly/slimy part of Uni safe to eat?

There’s a very jelly/slimy coat over the uni I recently bought. Is this safe to eat?

  1. Yo this is pretty old. Should not really have a slime or jelly…. Looks like this still good enough to make into a sauce but I wouldn’t eat it straight

  2. How recently did you buy it? It looks like there’s already some portions removed from it, did it have that slime on it when you purchased it?

  3. Look, you could eat it and be okay potentially. But the texture and flavor, even if it doesnt get you sick, will be disgusting. I recently had a dish at what was a very respected sushi shop where the prep was to mash uni up with some ponzu and throw some salmon and unmashed uni on top, served with rice on the side. I was appauled, it was effectively snot that tasted like a zoo aquarium. Was only about 40$ before tip though, lmao The itamae took notice of my confusion/disappointment and said they also thought the prep was dumb. Eh, whatever, I still got a couple pieces of uni out of it.

  4. Do a taste test. If it taste good, its probably fine. If it taste bad, spit it out and throw away the rest. No point eating uni that don’t taste good.

  5. I don’t know if it’s old but it might just be the grade of the uni. There’s premium and gold at the high end and at the low end its called vana “C grade”. Your picture looks like C / B grade. It”s used to flavor pasta and other dishes. What’s the expiration or packed on date?

  6. Uni should have a very clear grainy looking texture. Anything that is not that should not be eaten. Yes people will say “well I’ve eaten Uni like that and didn’t get sick” but remember it’s not just raw but it’s a raw invertebrate

  7. It could be ok. Cheap low grade uni tends to look like crap but still edible (although some taste horrible like metallic taste or even bitter). But also possible that it’s bad but i used to work in a sushi place and bad uni smells fucking terrible you’ll know right away

  8. I had some fresh urchin off the shell with white slime (I believe it’s urchin cum) taste saltier. But this shit looks rancid 🥴

  9. What a miserable waste. This ingredient comes from an animal in dwindling supply specifically because of over-harvesting.

  10. That uni looks really old, for the price uni sells for I’d make sure I’m getting quality uni that’s as fresh as possible…. If it’s cheap it’s an auto pass, good quality uni should NEVER be cheap, there’s definitely something wrong if it is….

    And before all the “once i was able to buy” people comes out, let me tell you, those were exceptions or prices not available to the mass market…. Sure if you have connections, live by the sea where they harvest them, or come across a killer sale(items normally only go on sale when they’re near expiration date, meaning not fresh but still edible)….

  11. Yeah, I don’t know about this one. On a scale of 1 thru 10, how okay are you with having explosive diarrhea/vomiting?

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