Applying for PR through HSP. Will a co-first author publication be considered for the 20pts?

Hi, all.

I want to apply for PR through HSP points. I currently have 3 Scopus-listed first author publications, which will count towards the 20 pt bonus on achievements in Japan. However, one of these papers has my name listed second, with a footnote in the first page of the paper indicating that I am a shared first author (Authors have contributed equally).

I’ve prepared a printout of the first page of the paper, highlighting my name and the footnote, and included a Japanese translation. I’ve also included the contact information of my co-first author and my previous professor. I am considering to get a letter from my professor as a supplementary material.

Is there a chance that they’ll accept this? Or are they strictly on the first name = first author basis? Or will it depend on whether the assessors breakfast was good on the day s/he reads my application?

  1. I don’t think they will require you to be first author literally on the paper, just highlight your name and make it clear it’s joint first author

  2. I think preparing everything you’re preparing should be MORE than sufficient. Being officially recognized as a first author should in and of itself be enough, irregardless of actual name order.

    Of course if it *is* a case of the assessor waking up on the wrong side of the bed, really nothing any of us can do to prepare will change the outcome and it suck’s that people can’t actually petition declined PR outcomes.

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