Question about Baggage / Carry on / Personal Item

I read through some previous threads about this but I’m still unsure.
In the JET email regarding the flight information, it states that the first two bags (baggage) are free. I’m assuming that’s not including the carry-on bag or personal item.
However, when we arrive in Japan and get directed by the traveling agency to reach our towns, you can only bring 1 large bag and a personal item. Because they ship the rest to your address.

Meaning that if I’m bringing a collective four bags, (2 baggage,1 Carry-on, 1 Personal Item) I’ll have to pay for two of them to be shipped to my address correct?

Hopefully this isn’t too much of a redundant question.

  1. It sounds like the travel agency (at least for regions of the US) has some conflicting info about baggage rn but theoretically yes you would be able to pay to ship your two checked bags to your CO and then take the carry on and personal item. Depending on the size restrictions for your transport to your CO (like shinkansen has a max luggage size), you could probably manage taking one with you instead of paying to ship it, it’ll depend.

  2. If I recall correctly, from my precovid arrival, they collect all but on of your checked suitcases to be shipped to you. The carry-on bag and your one large suitcase will go into the under bus storage, and any personal items will need to be placed on your lap on the bus (there will not be room to place it under the seat or in the overhead compartment as they are tiny).

    Your luggage will be shipped to you and taken few days, if you live close to Tokyo it will likely be there before you. You will be billed for it in the fall, I believe I got the bill in October. The cost will be 2500-5000yen ($25-$50ish) and the bill will arrive at your BOE/School.

    On Tuesday night at Tokyo orientation they will ask people to bring down their suitcases so they can be sent ahead to the airport (or be ready to be grabbed before transportation). Be aware that this means you will likely need to repack your carryon to cover needs for the Wednesday morning as you won’t have access to your large suitcases.

    Once you get more details on your placement, you may be flying to your home prefecture. If you are flying you should pack the bag bag you are taking to Tokyo to be a lower weight as Japanese domestic airlines typically have a lower weight limit than international. Just be warned that this may be an issue.

  3. I’ve been having the same question. Although I do think there is a ton of miscommunication. I saw on the discord that one of the travel agency stated 2 checked bags and 1 personal bag. Then later dropped it to 1 checked bag and 1 personal (no carry on). Which I don’t think is nearly enough to move abroad. I hope they clear it up soon

  4. I imagine you’ll be back to pre Covid travel arrangements so it’ll probably be similar to what I had. We could only bring one large checked suitcase- if you had more than one they would send the additional to your placement ahead of you (my extra suitcase was in my school’s office when I arrived at my placement). You could also bring your carry on and your personal item. The reason you can only bring one large suitcase is you share rooms in Tokyo orientation with two other people and there simply isn’t space for six suitcases in the room. During Covid I believe people didn’t share rooms due to quarantine requirements so things were different.

  5. At the hotel they gather your luggage and send it off to your placement, expect to be without your luggage for a couple days so what you take with you, make sure it has necessities. So yes, keep your carry on/ personal item with you.

  6. JET doesn’t care about personal items. Airlines do. So it’s a question of if you’re flying domestic, what can you bring? If you exceed the limit, you will have to pay for it, and it will be a hassle.

    The two bags mentioned are your checked luggage.

  7. The airlines usually have a limit of two checked bags (when flying from the US at least) as well as one carry on and a personal item. The “personal item” is intended to be a purse or a briefcase, but you can often push it pretty far. I had a whole backpack as my personal item, in addition to carry on suitcase.

    When you arrive in Japan you’ll want to ship your two checked bags to your placement. This may sound strange but it’s pretty common practice in Japan. Trains (especially the shinkansen) have pretty strict limits on the amount of luggage you can bring and require you you make a luggage reservation in advance if your bag is over a certain size. JET allows you to take one checked bag with you to the hotel but imo it’s best to just ship them. In addition to the train headache, pre-covid they slept us 3 to a room, so it was pretty cramped in the hotel room. There will be a shipping counter at the airport that you’ll be taken to. My bags were already at my apartment when I arrived there a few days later.

    This means you’ll do Tokyo Orientation with just your carry on and your personal item. I recommend putting a few days worth of clothes and whatever you’ll need at orientation in your carry on.

  8. During our preflight departure in the UK we have an allotted time for the travel agency to talk with us and answer questions.

    From the email from them it says we’re only allowed one large luggage and one carry on 🫠 anything else needs to be shipped at our own expense.

    I need two carry on bags as I’m taking my console with me and not risking checking that in.

    If you’re not from the UK, check if you will have a pre-departure in your home country and if the travel agency will be present. If you have their contact details email them.

    Year on year things change so you can’t rely on people who didn’t leave this year to answer your questions.

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