Reaping the Benefits of Osaka Supermarkets Right Before Closing

Reaping the Benefits of Osaka Supermarkets Right Before Closing

  1. Rolled my own sushi with tuna and yellowfin tuna, smoked soy sauce, and rice/seaweed from Niigata prefecture.

    The drink is Okinawan bitter gourd “tea,” and the snacks are Okinawan brown sugar donuts.

  2. Does Osaka Market also half their prices on cooked items right before close? I know a lot of Japanese markers do.

  3. Oh! Make sure you check out the meat sections or go to a local butcher shops. They might have wagyu on like 50% discount!

    When I was on vacation in japan, the local butcher shop had their A4 and A5 wagyu on discount near the end of the day. So I bought close to 2lbs and it only cost around $80 usd. We ended up having a feast at our airbnb that night while I whipped up a meal in the kitchen.

  4. For the sake of other viewers, the black package says “daruma maguro” and then in parentheses “mebachi maguro” which is bigeye tuna. The blue says “kihada maguro” which is yellowfin tuna.

    The Okinawa donuts are sata andagi which are pretty easy to make as long as you can find kokuto.

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