Weekly Praise Thread – 29 September 2023

It’s that time of the week again. Please boast and share about the good things that have happened to you this past week!

  1. 1) Getting an AC unit for the bedroom tomorrow.
    2) It’s Friday
    3) I complained yesterday about feeling nauseous throughout the week, but so far I feel ok today. I guess it’s just mental?

  2. Our nursery asked me to bring shoes for my baby as they will start doing outdoor trips now that the weather is becoming more tolerable. The staff know that I cannot read Japanese, so they added my daughter’s name to the shoebox in Latin alphabet in addition to the Kanji that everyone else has to make life easier for me.

  3. First time to apply for a spouse visa. Processing took around 2 1/2 weeks and I got 3 years on my first try. Absolutely stoked!

  4. Had a super smooth house hunting experience, it was also my first time house hunting so I feel super lucky
    Went to the agency on sunday and only expected to tell them I was looking for an apartment and about my preferences, we end up visiting a few apartments they had available, found my ideal apartment, applied, got approved by the owner the next day and I’m moving in in two weeks.
    The apartment is super nice, recently renovated, top floor (I can clearly see the sky tree!!), very bright and just slightly over my by budget (but I was also able to get a small discount on rent so yay for me)
    Can’t wait to move in!!

  5. For one the weather looks to be getting colder the next week, but to be honest I kinda like it at 30.

    Went drinking with a group of friends from my share house and finished the night on our rooftop enjoying a few rather impressive whiskies from a private collection of a friend in the literal light of an oil lamp.

    Got one of my friends hooked on both sauna and running. He has surprisingly good endurance, we completed a 20k on the weekend together. It’s fun to have a chat while running and also amounts to a free japanese practice session for an interruption free hour or two.

  6. The supermarket near us finally started supporting barcode payments. Now I can leave my wallet at home when shopping.

    Now I wish they would install self-checkouts too.

  7. Took half the day off to help my father in law out by listening to the explanation of how to use the new tractor that got delivered this morning.
    I was a bit nervous thinking there might be some technical terms I wouldn’t be able to understand.
    But luckily tractor manufacturers are lazy and just use the katakana version of the English word for the majority of switches and buttons.
    Then we went to Saizeria for an early lunch.

    I’m supposed to start working in 15 minutes but I think I’ll take the rest of the day off to play video games until the rest of the family comes home.

  8. One of my classes is learning left and right now and I’ve been asking to teach them the Cha Cha Slide as part of this practice. Didn’t happen last year and wasn’t looking good for this year either. However, today we finished nearly 15min early by some miracle so I asked the teacher once again and she had no other plans so I got to teach them.

    Pulled up a list of the steps, ran through it, pulled up the DJ Rafi dance along version, and danced it (facing them, so I reversed my left and right) at the front of the classroom. Not only did they mostly understand the dance, they LOVED IT. Lots of laughing and smiles after some not so great classes. As soon as the song ended they were saying “again! Let’s dance again!” but I had another class so I showed them how to look it up and they danced during the break.

    I’m so happy one of my out there ideas, dancing the Cha Cha Slide, went so well. If I’m lucky, 30 children asking the teacher if they can dance it again will mean this can be a daily thing for a couple weeks. There’s enough left and right in the song for it to fit the curriculum, right? 😂

  9. Older kid’s reading skills have skyrocketed after watching a ton of minecraft youtube videos. I guess because the videos have a ton of english subtitles even though it’s in english? Such a drastic improvement compared to only reading one or two short books together at night. Already reading one grade level higher than western standards.

  10. Lunch lady forgot to ring in my extra okazu. Yass, I feel slightly less guilty about eating like a fat ass today.

  11. -got to eat a fuck ton of expensive grapes and ナシ for free during field work

    -field work went pretty well

    -managed to do some homework yesterday

    -the variety of 0 calorie jellies here

  12. Coworker and I finally got shacho to stamp off on approving the budget for our newest marketing campaign after a month and a half of repeatedly revising our proposal until the kanji started swimming together

    we celebrated with kikan gentei pino

    the satsumaimo and cappucino flavors are probably the best i’ve had (except for that chocomint from a few years back)

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