Charges dropped again over death of detained Sri Lankan woman

Charges dropped again over death of detained Sri Lankan woman

  1. Not only is this shameful but a real world warning to all those who drink the kool-aid Japanese culture exports. Real Japan is extremely xenophobic, homophobic, and has an archaic worklife. Don’t get me wrong, it is a wonderful place to visit but touring and living there are worlds apart.

  2. The immigration center and the police did basically every single thing wrong possible in this case.

    This should be a lesson to others – No matter where you live, even in Japan, *do not go to to the police for help*. Literal random strangers on the street are more likely to do the right thing.

    Also, don’t illegally immigrate to another country. Duh. But especially one like Japan where there’s little protections for you.

  3. The most depressing part is that this verdict is not surprising if you saw the same headline in the 90’s or the 2020’s. Yeah sure it is despicable and arguably just xenophobic, but it just speaks to a bigger societal problem of the lack of government accountability. It is not like there is some coordinated agenda to torture immigrants, but gross negligence and malevolent individuals at all levels acting with impunity.

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