Atomoxetine (generic Strattera) prescription experience

Hi team, got a question related to medicines and prescriptions.

I’m 24 and was diagnosed with ADHD about a year ago in my home country (New Zealand). I take atomoxetine, since this is a non-stimulant I’ve had no trouble getting the medical cert to bring this into Japan as a tourist.

I’m moving to Tokyo for work in November, and once the supply I plan to bring over with me runs out, I will need to find somewhere that will issue me prescriptions.

Does anyone have personal experience with getting atomoxetine/strattera from a hospital or pharmacy? Again due to this being a non-stimulant I’m hoping I can find a healthcare provider that will issue more than a monthly supply at a time. I’ve read conflicting information online about whether my psychiatrist’s diagnosis will be recognised by a healthcare provider in Japan, if anyone has experience here as well I’m keen to know.

I’m not fluent in Japanese (sitting just at N2) but am happy to go to a Japanese speaking healthcare provider.


  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Atomoxetine (generic Strattera) prescription experience**

    Hi team, got a question related to medicines and prescriptions.

    I’m 24 and was diagnosed with ADHD about a year ago in my home country (New Zealand). I take atomoxetine, since this is a non-stimulant I’ve had no trouble getting the medical cert to bring this into Japan as a tourist.

    I’m moving to Tokyo for work in November, and once the supply I plan to bring over with me runs out, I will need to find somewhere that will issue me prescriptions.

    Does anyone have personal experience with getting atomoxetine/strattera from a hospital or pharmacy? Again due to this being a non-stimulant I’m hoping I can find a healthcare provider that will issue more than a monthly supply at a time. I’ve read conflicting information online about whether my psychiatrist’s diagnosis will be recognised by a healthcare provider in Japan, if anyone has experience here as well I’m keen to know.

    I’m not fluent in Japanese (sitting just at N2) but am happy to go to a Japanese speaking healthcare provider.


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  2. It’s all going to depend on the doctor and may be a pain in the ass. I don’t take this drug but I know very well a sizable number of doctors aren’t comfortable prescribing psych drugs to foreigners they haven’t gotten to know. If you get lucky you’ll get it immediately but I’d say it’s more common to get turned away or go through the motions of a diagnosis.

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