The insane situation in subway

I just moved to Japan 2 months ago. Im working as a seishyin and commute by 電車 everyday just like any other Japanese people.

Something that strikes me is how everyone just dying to get on one train and refuse to wait for the next one that comes maybe less than a minute after. I understand that they don’t want to be late to work but it’s the same situation when they get off work. As if they would die if they don’t get on this train…

Any idea why this might be the problem? Everyday after work it’s so crowded that I could barely breath but I find it hilarious at the same time. I come from a country where the living style is really similar to Japan and everybody uses 電車 but in my country I never see an ekiin has to push people in because they can barely fit in…

Edit: Thanks y’all for all the comments I really appreciate it. Can y’all just chill out about the one word that I use. Both Japanese and English are not my native language. I wanted to use train but my image of train is the one that the steams comes out and I thought that might not fit. Obviously my English sucks that I don’t know the appropriate word for it so might as well just use the original word. Otherwise I would not add any Japanese word to the context.

  1. They just want to get home to their 家族.

    Why don’t you wait for the next 電車 instead of getting on the crowded one?

  2. Some have tight connections (transfers) so missing one train could end up being a longer wait at *the next* station.

  3. My bf always avoids crowds in the morning, so he wakes up pretty early around 6AM and finishes his work around 4PM or 5PM. If your work time is flexible, you might be able to avoid crowds too. Time is money, so everyone always in a hurry.

  4. Why don’t you go 反対 et 乗る the train. Switch side then 通勤 like いつも? some say it’s ダメ but 駅員 rarely ever 確認する。

  5. I knew OP dropped the ball when I 読んだthe second 文書.
    It reminds how some 外国人時々 like to use 日本語単語 randomly in 会話 to display their 日本語能力 and 優勢.

    Anyway, needless to be said, your idea of time differs from others. The people rushing on the train may live very far away. Not catching that specific train may mean missing a potential transfer, which in turn would result in a long wait and getting home very late.

  6. Rush hour. Some people start work at seven, some at eight, some at nine, some at ten. During this entire time window, the trains will be packed. It’s the same thing on the way back.

    Taking the next train only makes you late. It doesn’t make the train less full. Doesn’t make the next train less full either.

    If you have the choice to start work at noon instead of in the morning I recommend you do so lol

  7. Wow, look at all the snark in this thread for OP throwing in one word of Japanese. You guys would get an aneurysm if you ever hear Filipinos speak.

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