How good should I be at Japanese before speaking to Japanese people?

I’ve talked to some Japanese people online on discord through similar game interest but I guess it’s always hard for me to form sentences. I can understand when they say things like “I’m gonna get off now” or like “It’s so annoying how(blah blah).” I know that it’s boring when you’re literally playing with someone who can’t even speak that well so what level should I be to have like normal conversations and make stronger friendships.

  1. Any level is fine – even for beginners. I assume you have some idea on how sentences are constructed, but you are just having some difficulties since things can get quite face-paced during conversations. It happens, even for higher level learners. Very likely, those people on discord are aware that you are still learning and yet were willing to play with you.

    Ignore what others think and try to make small conversations as much as possible.. You will learn faster that way. 頑張って!

  2. How did you find Japanese gamers? I want to try this. Not join their group directly, but join a team based multiplayer game (like Overwatch), and try push-to-talk sometimes for call outs and also listen to them too

  3. How to get good at Japanese protip

    Talk to Japanese

    Not sure there is a way to get good at Japanese without that protip.

    So yeah. You have to start talking to Japanese people before you are any good… if you want to get any good.

  4. Wanting to converse casually doesn’t require any level tbh. Casual conversation doesn’t require that many words. Just learn the basic vocab and specific vocab (gamer vocab) and slangs are important. And you should learn highly frequent grammar points. After that focus not on expanding your knowledge but on strengthening all that you’ve learned. Avoid learning fancy new words that you would not actually need and focus on more practical vocabulary. Practice, immersion, active listening is going to help you A LOT. Just listen, listen and listen. Then when you try to speak to your friends, words will flow into you. You should keep talking to your friends in Japanese. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. 頑張ればできるはずだろう。わたしも日本語にそんなに得意ではないですよ。間違っても大丈夫。練習は親友 uwu

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