Akame 48 Waterfalls Japan – travel advice and directions please?

Hi! I’m a Singaporean planning a trip to Osaka/Kyoto in April 2024 and would like to make a day trip to the Akame 48 Waterfalls. We will likely be staying in the Dotonburi region, around Namba Station. I’ve tried to Google some information about visiting the waterfalls but information has been scarce, or in Japanese (language barrier). Have any of you been there? Would appreciate any advice! We will not be driving and will be taking the train and bus if possible!

1. Where do I find an updated bus schedule TO and FROM the waterfalls hike entrance? I understand it is infrequent hence would need to plan well to avoid being stuck there unable to leave.

2. Where is this bus stop/terminal located at the Akameguchi station? Any previous hikers here with valuable pictures for reference please? Thanks in advance!

3. What is the payment mode for the bus service? Do they take cash?

4. What would you rate the difficulty level of the hike as? Are the trails very steep and slippery? Wondering if we should give this a miss altogether but the photos online look so stunning I really want to see it for myself!

5. What gear would you suggest to be necessary or good to have?

6. Any other advice is very welcome!!


  1. 1. Google Maps is pretty good for the main bus operators, otherwise use the Mie Kotsu website: https://www.sanco.co.jp/krs/ for Akamedaki (the falls ) & Akameguchi (the train station).

    2. Akameguchi is a tiny train station and Japanese tourist station wayfinding is pretty good, you can’t miss it. Failing that find a station employee and ask for “waterfall bus” or type out 赤目48滝 on your phone and show it to them or write the same on a sheet of paper (if you can write chinese which many Singaporeans do) since it’s all kanji.

    3. Usually cash or IC card

    4. Very easy as long as you are of decent fitness

    5. Shoes with good traction , as with all hiking around water. Don’t go in anything you’d mind getting mud on or don’t trust to not slip.

    6. Check “latest” photos on Google maps before you go, if it’s too early in April it may still be tree branches which would be ugly.

  2. Hi!

    I have actually been to Akame 48 Falls. I went in June 2019, so I don’t know what it is like in April.

    It’s a bit out of date because they recommend using Hyperdia, but I used the bus times on this [website](https://www.akame48taki.com/en/) about ninja training, which is what we did. And[Japan Cheapo](https://japancheapo.com/travel/a-day-trip-to-akame-48-waterfalls/) from 2022 gives ta similar schedule.I went to and from Akameguchi Station.

    Japan Cheapo has the pictures, but honestly the station is tiny and you just sort of see a bus and ask if it is going there. There are not a lot of buses or people because again, it’s a tiny station.

    I believe I paid in cash. They could take IC cards but I would make sure to have cash on you, it’s just a regular bus, so it’s not terribly expensive.

    I went in June so I have no idea if it is slippery in April. I am not in particularly amazing shape and I was 40+ and I did it with my at the time 8 year old daughter. It was MUCH easier than the ninja training? I don’t really know what you want to compare it to? It’s a lot of stone steps. It’s harder than Mt. Misen because it is longer… but we’re not talking about needing any special skills other than being able to go up and down steps and cross bridges.

    I wore sneakers, shorts and a t-shirt, my daughter is in a play dress and sneakers in pictures. It’s a lot of steps. Ninja training earlier was much harder. Ask me how bad I sucked at water walking . I did manage to just barely pass my other activities though, so I got my ninja certificate. My daughter was a much better ninja.

    If you want to try ninja training it can be fun.

    The sun sets early there.

    I was surprised how fast the train was between Osaka and Yamato-Yagi. We went to Osaka for dinner one night and it took less time than we expected. It feels really far from Osaka in terms of scenery.

    The sweet potato ice cream was quite good if you eat dairy.

    I didn’t get to try the onsen, but they looked nice. My daughter got a snack at the cafe and there were some untame deer that came to drink from the river. It’s very humid there in the Summer.

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