Your experience with hobbies in japan?

What is your experience? I have noticed the culture of hobbies here is… different to Europe.

People take it very seriously. For example, I tried to play some basketball a while ago and it was almost impossible to do it casually. When i eventually got a chance, with a friend, i noticed people looked like they were getting ready for the NBA, and they were trying extremely hard. There was not really much friendly chat in between or after either, if anything it was rather cold and serious.

That aside i noticed also that regardless of the hobby people really kit themselves up. When i first came i felt strange but quickly realised even absolute beginners here spend a lot of money on top of the range gear. When i asked around I found out that Japanese feel kinda embarrassed if they are seen as a “noob” even if its true. I dont think people in Europe feel like that way and wouldn’t try hide it. It may also be a reluctance to be different? When i was hiking a noticed it a lot. Even on easy casual hikes.
I was once hiking with my backpack unfastened at the waist because it was more comfy and i was hiking downwards lightly and easily anyway. I overheard someone say “that guy is doing it sooooo wrong and badly”. As if it mattered?

Anyway rants aside i like how the hobby shops have insane details and equipment which makes it easier to find stuff.

  1. I wish I had a cheap hobby, mine is cars, and it’s extremely fucking expensive. I pay about $500+/each car (I have two) for road tax each yr and about $2000+ for that useless ass shaken for both my cars. Japan loves make a license for everything and charge a ridiculous price, I’m surprised I don’t need a license to ride a bicycle.

  2. I’ve heard it phrased differently here or there, but it sure seems like investing a lot money is just seen as being the mark of legitimacy whomever is selling you your hobby goods locally. Gym/fitness memberships have traditionally been expensive or crap hours; maker spaces are a touch more than I would have guessed; hell even the model railroad groups here are expensive.

    But why not? It’s not like there’s a lot of land about or people who can store shit in their garages, and I get the feeling saying “I’ve already spent XX万円” wraps up conversations about what you or your partner will be doing right quick.

    If you’re cool and you can set your own prices, like dude up above and his car habit, or me and my cooking hobby – fantastic. I wish you the best.

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