Bryan Danielson: Doing A G1 Might Be A Little Irresponsible Of Me In Comparison To My Long-Term Goals

Bryan Danielson: Doing A G1 Might Be A Little Irresponsible Of Me In Comparison To My Long-Term Goals

  1. Wasn’t being able to compete in Japan one of the main reasons Bryan went to AEW? Because they had a partnership with NJPW?

    I remember the G1 was at the top of his list of things he wanted to do in NJPW. WWE even tried to partner up with NJPW to keep Bryan, but it didn’t work out.

    So, at most, it’s probably only gonna be a match with Okada in Japan at Wrestle Kingdom. That’s great, but I wish we could’ve gotten a little more. Most of the matches against NJPW talent have been on AEW.

  2. Yeah if he ever does it it probably won’t be next year, which probably means it won’t happen at all, sadly.

    I do expect him to get at least one match in Japan, though. I think he’s got enough pull with TK to still book occasional dream matches at FD and other events.

    Plus, of course, Okada needs his win back.

  3. Yeah, unfortunately that time has likely passed. If he does New Japan next year it’ll be big shows only.

  4. The salt if he actually caps everyone and puts his hat in for G134 after flying all the way to Japan only for “Mr G1” EVIL to attack him and state that “As Mr G1 I do not think you are worthy enough to be in this respectable tournament” causing him to withdraw in storyline.

  5. I have a terrible sense of self-preservation. I have a highly addictive personality and it has almost killed me. Clean and sober now.
    That being said if I were him I would gamble and do it.
    He can be protected as much as one can in these things. TK can throw some money at New Japan to make a safe(ER) schedule. This is still a work Surely SOMETHING can be done. You know he will take every match in and give everything towards them. The man is truly gifted, he has done everything else and by all accounts done everything without being a total shit of a human being NO Small Feat. Make it happen.

  6. I feel like he could do the finals part of the tour but just the tags/special singles with Shota/Tsuji maybe. Not what you’d really want but would at least be more than just a single match

  7. He’s always been lying about wanting to do a G1. Dude has had every opportunity to go work for New Japan over the past several years yet never has. There’s always an excuse – doesn’t want to do quarantines (that everyone else did), doesn’t want to wrestle with clap crowds, doesn’t want to wrestle for New Japan in the US, I’m too hurt, I’m too busy in AEW, my booker won’t let me, etc.

    When are people going to realize he never intended to work for New Japan and has been working everyone all along?

  8. He’s 42 and planning to wrap up his full-time wrestling career. Unless TK has access to the Time Stone or a Lazarus Pit, we need to accept that the ship has sailed on that.

    Also, I can’t be the only one that’s tired of enthusiasts fantasy booking people into a G1. Save for a few exceptions, most guests are just there to make the main roster look good. And with the shorter match times and smaller brackets, it’s not going to be the 8-10 bangers within the course of 4-5 weeks that you might be accustomed to.

  9. Is this a surprise? Dude gets a concussion from a light breeze. A lot of people here were hoping And I appreciate that but it was never gonna happen.

  10. Me: “Man has kids. He wants to be able to pick them up, run around after them. I have to respect this.”

    Also me: “Get in the fucking plane, coward. I want my Shibata/ZSJ/Ishii match!”

  11. Honestly, whenever he would talk about wanting to do the G1, I loved it so much that I really don’t care that he never actually intended to step foot in Japan for a G1.

    I think back to all those times he talked about the G1, and I stood up from my chair and clapped every time. It just always made me feel so safe and secure with my AEW fandom. And that’s enough for me. So thank you for everything Danielson!

  12. This man is the definition of all mouth and no trousers, when it comes to Japan. Just stay away.

  13. As always, these threads in r/njpw are always so nice and positive with little to no hostility or people questioning a wrestler they don’t know and will never know personally

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