Supporting Animal Welfare in Japan

How do you support animal welfare in Japan?

I have started buying cage-free eggs. The chickens have about 4 times more space to move around. Also, I buy Kewpie’s new mayo (which uses cage-free eggs).


  1. -Adopt animals rather than buying them from pet shops.

    -donate to no-kill shelters and rescues

  2. Don’t go to zoos/aquariums and tell others not to by highlighting the barbarity of the whale/dolphin trade and animal welfare in general.

  3. My wife has been working to increase awareness of animal welfare related shortcomings in Japan for a while now and that’s fed back to me. Unfortunately, while there are laws in place that make abuse illegal, the enforcement mechanisms are woefully inadequate – like most token prohibitions here. There’s also a good documentary on Amazon Prime that I’d recommend watching, search 動物愛護法 and it’ll pop up.

    My advice to kick you off would be to support non-kill shelters through supporting awareness campaigns, volunteer work and donations. Foster, if you’re able. You could also get involved in the social movement side of things if you’re feeling particularly proactive. I’d recommend a bit of background research first as a number of unsavory types have invaded the space to take advantage of the rather lax regulations governing donations to NPOs, etc. Overall, however, it’s a great community with some genuinely impassioned but grounded people focused on doing good for animals. Also, I’ve found they’re far less fashion-motivated than similar movements back home. Even the vegans are much less pretentious – not all, but most.

    These communities are facing an uphill struggle but they’re committed and dedicated to making a real impact, be that a difference to a single life, or campaigning for tangible change.

    Things will improve if enough external pressure is applied or perhaps even if just anticipated, the more foreigners that get involved the higher profile an issue it becomes. Japan hates nothing more than having its dirty laundry aired in public.

  4. I became vegan for this purpose back in January last year.
    This bleeds not just into my dietary choices, but stretches into fast fashion, clothing material, & skin/hair products to name a few.

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