Physical process of changing visa at the immigration office?

Im doing it for the first time next week.
Im changing to a spouse visa at Tachikawa.
So as far as i know, i turn up, wait my turn to be let in, then wait a little longer and get called.
At this point i hand them everything already filled out. Then they review it.
Thats it?
I read somewhere that they question you on a few things like my address. I just moved 2 weeks ago so hope i don’t fuck that up lol.

Thanks. Would be great to hear experiences. My Japanese is only N3 and although my wife is native i dont want to have a bad impression.

1 comment
  1. Just out of curiosity, is there any specific reason why you are changing from your current visa (which visa?) to a spouse visa? There are upsides and downsides to it depending on your current status of residence.

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