For an internship i am moving to Tokyo for 10 weeks (march till june) . I am looking for a furnished appartment in Akasaka or surrounding areas. All the housing services tell me, that getting the contract would only be possible very shortly in advance (February)
Unfortunately, i need a signed housing contract to prove my internship that i will really be living in japan till the end of october.
Do you guys know any housing agencies, that can provide me with an rent contract even months before moving in?
Thanks alot in advance for your time guys!
Note that you may have a hard time finding apartments that you can rent for only 10 weeks.
Sakurahouse is *insanely* overpriced, but if you can afford it, you can reserve months in advance.
[Tokyo City Apartments](https://www.tokyocityapartments.net) is slightly less overpriced, and you might also be able to reserve a while in advance, but I would check.
Also try checking Oakhouse (for both sharehouses and apartments) as well as sites like Monthly Mansion—there may be some places you can reserve a while in advance.
Good luck! You may need it. (I’ve had a *time* finding an available furnished apartment for a reasonable price.)
I’ve had good experiences with Residence Tokyo