My WHV is about to expire but I would like to stay longer..

I’m planning on going to Vietnam for around 10 days then returning to Japan on a tourist visa for an extra 90 days

Is this allowed? I’ve had a look online and wasn’t able to find the appropriate information

  1. I did this back the 90s and almost didn’t get back in. Got taken to a small room at the airport and immigration asked a ton of questions. In the end they gave me 90 days.

    These days you’re allowed to be in the country on a tourist visa (or visa waiver) for up to 180 days of the last 365 days. I’m not sure if a WHV is considered a “tourist visa” by Japanese immigration or not. If I was you, I would go to immigration and ask, but you may not get a perfectly straight answer from them, either.

    Whatever you do, do NOT overstay your visa. You’re likely to get a 10 year ban for doing that.

    I posted this some days ago, pasting it here because this is the exact same situation as mine. the only difference is that you need a ticket out of the country again, but even then it turned out only the flight company taking me into Japan even wanted to see it, the immigration agent didn’t ask me at all. I also had difficulty finding appropriate and up to date info, so hopefully this helps. I did this only last month, so this is as current as you’ll find.

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