Yukio Edano moves to return as CDP leader – The Japan Times

Yukio Edano moves to return as CDP leader – The Japan Times


  1. 2017: [Former DP heavyweight Yukio Edano seeks to fill void with new liberal-minded party](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2017/10/02/national/politics-diplomacy/former-dp-heavyweight-yukio-edano-seeks-fill-void-new-liberal-minded-party/)

    2020: [Yukio Edano named as chief of Japan’s new main opposition party](https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2020/09/0e9b4dc23e45-urgent-yukio-edano-named-as-chief-of-japans-new-main-opposition-party.html)

    2021: [Edano to resign as CDP leader over ‘insufficient abilities’](https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14473710)

  2. Having someone familiar at the top is a good start, unless you’re already in power

  3. Izumi Kenta is only in power because his conservative rival who beat him handily resigned for a very messy cheating scandal. Kenta was lucky to win the next election (I think LDP didn’t even run a candidate). Always has been a weird choice for the party leader. I live in his constituency and he’s not generally well liked in my neighborhood.

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