Why do Japanese women care more about money/careers than Western women?

Let me preface this by saying this isn’t for ALL Japanese women but it is a trend I’ve noticed

Western women such as US women will tend to want a man who is interesting/charming/fun and who they have good chemistry with. Money matters but is often secondary

Japanese women will focus less on “chemistry” and more on money/career in their partners. I’ve noticed this is true among Korean/Chinese too. Personality matters but is often secondary

Why is this?

  1. Because they do… What kind of answer are you hoping for why…

    Alright, fine… It’s harder for them to make as much money as men, are expected to stop working to take care of kids, etc, so it’s more important that their man makes good money

  2. What are you taking about? I have never met a Japanese women who cared about career or money.
    If anything they care a lot less than western women.
    Selection of partners in Japan is mainly based on looks and personality, and I frankly never seen career or income having any benefit in the dating scene unless you are making more than 100M yen or something.
    Someone making 15M is not going to have any advantage over someone making 5M.
    The only additional matches you can get by having a higher income is more scammers, but there would be zero difference in matches which are serious.

    The selection criteria for matches is looks.
    The selection for criteria for continuing to date/marriage is personality fit. I fail to see any part of the romance pathway where money comes into play. Japanese women can work, their families often also have a ton of money, and frankly money is the last of their considerations for a serious relationship.

  3. Stereotypically they will stop working after marriage so they need to make sure their spouse can pay for them and the future kids.

    I was surprised as an American woman when 8/10 young Japanese women I was talking to in a group said their dream was to be a housewife. Of course not one slaving away at home, but one who can meet her friends for lunch at a nice restaurant while her kids are at school and the hubby is at work

  4. I remember asking a bilingual coworker what Japanese women are looking for and is it different thatn in America. For reference, this is like 20 years ago and she went to HS and college in America. We were in our 20s.

    I will never forget her answer.

    In a nutshell, she said American women and Japanese women are looking for the same things. It’s just that the priorities are different. As a gross generalization, Japanese girls would prioritize jobs, money, job stability whereas many of the women she befriended in the US, seemed to be concerned with physical attributes and some conspicuous consumption (e.g. nice cars). She said all the women she knew liked a guy that looked good, had a good job, sense humor, education. It was the *prioritization* of those things where Japanese and Americans are different.

  5. I’m not Japanese but I am an asian woman who grew up in a western country & I think it’s just a cultural difference. At least from what I’ve seen, hearing from asian (non Westernized) women in my life; there’s no shame in wanting a partner with high education, status, and/or money. That’s the type of man you’re encouraged to go for. Idk if this is true, but I feel like Western parents don’t really have strict standards for their child’s partner.

    In the west I’ve noticed people tend to think that caring about your partner’s salary is shallow & having that standard is generally looked down upon. And you’d probably be called a gold digger if you do care.

  6. Because family bonds are weaker for Japanese, they are more worried about financial risks to keep living a civilized life. Japan is also known for lack of governmental support for the unemployed.

  7. Traditional women expect traditional men. If she’s expected to quit after marriage, or will most likely not work in an executive position because of societal pressure, why shouldn’t she marry someone who can provide her financially? Expecting a woman to be traditional but not to provide her needs is financial abuse.

  8. >Western women such as US women will tend to want a man who is interesting/charming/fun and who they have good chemistry with. Money matters but is often secondary


    I am from the US and the girls I grew up with were ahead of the boys in academics and university acceptance. In university, the ladies were generally ahead of the “traditional” boys and went on to better jobs. Your statement sounds like some blanket stereotype based on life in an isolated town in a fly over state. The same reason why half the rural students quit college in their first year in my home city.


    Local Angle: as a woman, if you get a really good job at a really good company straight out of university, your chances of finding a husband with a good job greatly increases. Some companies hire only beautiful women from Todai level universities so their young, male employees will have better chances at finding a beautiful wife that is educated.

  9. Because in a traditional society, and throughout all of mankinds history, it has been the duty of the man to protect and provide for his family. Making sure he is able to do so has been a primary selection criteria when choosing a mate for tens of thousands of years. Women providing for themself, and the welfare state taking the hit if the shit hits the fan, is a very recent invention in comparison.

  10. All humans are biased towards the culture they grew up in.

    Western women for example grew up watching Hollywood movies, promising them love and romance from knight on white horse. Learn history and you’ll learn that women marrying for “love” is not common practice even in western countries before WWII. It’s only after the invention of moving pictures and its endless sexualization of white men.

    Japanese women, and generally Asian women on the other hand, grew up in a culture that believe that love don’t feed you, nor will it feed your children. Of course, Hollywood movies are also changing them, it’s one reason why Asian women, Westerns men couples are more common than Asian men, Western women couples. Just ask any Asian women which men they’d find more romantic ? The answer is obvious.

  11. Bullshit. There are both gold diggers and women interested in character in both countries. Are you older? Maybe your age bracket would prefer stability, but if you’re young nobody cares about that.

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