Weekly Weekend Thread – 02 October 2023

It’s Monday! Did you do anything over the weekend? Go somewhere? Meet someone? Try something new?


Post about your activities from the weekend here! Pictures are also welcome.

  1. Got some sun. Hideous sunburn but at least I can lay off the vitamin D pills this week.

    Also got dumped because I’m “not entertaining enough.” And because I’m too independent with cooking and house chores, so she felt her “joshiryoku dropped.” Plus a bunch of insults from someone who used to be nice. Good news is I don’t have to waste my time on a two-faced fake, bad news is everyone I date ends up being a two-faced fake who takes advantage of my kindness so now I can’t trust anyone.

  2. Got sunburn on my ass while snorkeling in Okinawa (my back was covered by a swimming vest, so it saved the back). I can say that it took a year for me to visit all the main (on my personal opinion) places in Japan. Yay!

  3. My daughter was born yesterday😇😇. Both mother and child are doing fine. I am officially Papa now.

    Just a question, is it ok to give omiyage to nurse and all?
    Like big box of choclate or cookies or juice we find at shopping center. Is it normal here?
    Or should I just let it go😅.

  4. – got an AC unit for the bedroom (tatami room). I spent basically my whole weekend in that small room, just relaxing/watching movies etc. Saving electricity by not using the kitchen/ living room AC too for most of the weekend.
    – applied for a non-teaching job that sounds promising. Actually, I got an invitation from the company. I spent a few hours writing my cover letter last night. Fingers crossed!

  5. Got to see a crow go to town on a headless bird corpse then pick that corpse up and drop it right next to me, so that was exciting.

  6. On the way home from the annual ALT and friends bash, I went to a shrine way up in the mountains to get goshuin. Getting there took me past my guesthouse from 6 years ago and on a single lane road over the mountains, which was interesting but my Tanto handled it just fine. Shrine was beautiful and got a four page dragon themed goshuin for only 500¥. It was such a great experience.

  7. I fell off the slab wall at the gym on Friday and sprained my ankle. The staff called an ambulance for me and one of my gym friends stuck with me the whole time. She went in the ambulance with me to the hospital, took me to the grocery store, the bank, and then home. She’s made grocery runs for me too. I cried because of course my ankle is in a lot of pain and I was so moved by her kindness. No idea what I’m going to do about working because my job requires me to be on my feet and supercrazy active, but one step at a time (ha).

  8. one of my parents came for a 2 week visit and stayed at my house for a week after travelling in Kansai for a while

    sent them to the airport yesterday, and then immediately felt a sense of emptiness as they left

    it does kinda suck actually realizing your parents are not getting any younger and you’re far away

  9. Played 龍が如く0 on the ps3 for 4 hours


    Mostly being unproductive and marinating myself in media to try escape from the reality that is school starting today.

  10. My kids first and last Sports Day together and work on Saturday, combined birthday celebrations all day Sunday.

    Laughing at and sort of envying the Sports host on Zip! say yes, he was drinking watching rugby all night, and he might still be drunk this morning. He did walk down the stairs as opposed to the usual run…

  11. First Carp game with my kid on Friday night. We had a really good time, even if the Carp lost.


    My town had a little light-up festival on Saturday, not a huge event by any means but still fun. I also snuck in my last climbing session for September. Sunday we did a bit of cleaning in the afternoon, so now the little alley between us and our neighbor’s house makes us look less like terrible hoarders.

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