Can I get a “My Number Card” with out resident card?

Hello, My partner and I will be moving to Japan on a long-term work visa soon. We’ve got a rough plan in place, and I’d love some advice from those experienced in the process.
Here’s our tentative plan:

Planning to stay in an Airbnb for the first week or two while we search for a rented house.

\– Essential Moving Procedures —

**My Number Card**:
Wondering if it’s possible to obtain this without a permanent address.

**Local Phone Number:**

**National Health Insurance**: When is the best time to apply for this, and can it be done without a permanent address?
**Housing Contract**: Planning to sign a housing contract and get our address stamped onto the residence card within 14 days of arrival. Anything to be cautious about during this process?
**Bank Account**: We understand a permanent address is needed for this. Are there any other steps we can take in the meantime?

I want to ensure we’re not overlooking any crucial steps or following an inefficient order. Any advice on the best sequence for these tasks or additional considerations would be highly appreciated.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Can I get a “My Number Card” with out resident card?**

    Hello, My partner and I will be moving to Japan on a long-term work visa soon. We’ve got a rough plan in place, and I’d love some advice from those experienced in the process.
    Here’s our tentative plan:

    Planning to stay in an Airbnb for the first week or two while we search for a rented house.

    — Essential Moving Procedures —

    **My Number Card**:
    Wondering if it’s possible to obtain this without a permanent address.

    **Local Phone Number:**

    **National Health Insurance**: When is the best time to apply for this, and can it be done without a permanent address?
    **Housing Contract**: Planning to sign a housing contract and get our address stamped onto the residence card within 14 days of arrival. Anything to be cautious about during this process?
    **Bank Account**: We understand a permanent address is needed for this. Are there any other steps we can take in the meantime?

    I want to ensure we’re not overlooking any crucial steps or following an inefficient order. Any advice on the best sequence for these tasks or additional considerations would be highly appreciated.

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  2. As someone who recently moved back to Japan, it can take weeks to get approved for an apartment or house, let alone move in. In addition, you will need a Japanese bank account & Phone number before you can even apply, both of which cannot be done without registering an address at your local ward office. Please be cautious about giving yourself only 2 weeks to get a permanent living situation, things do not move as quickly here.

    I’m unsure of whether you can register the Airbnb, it may be something to discuss with the company sponsoring your work visa.

  3. Most logical order to do things: 1. Japanese phone number (can be done at the airport) – best to do this first even if you plan to change mobile companies/numbers later as real estate companies will require a Japanese contact number while finding an appartment, as will city hall when registering a fixed address. 2. Once arriving at your temporary accomodation get to work locating/applying for permanent/more long term accomocation so will have a regist1. Japanese phone number (can be done at the airport) – best to do this first even if you plan to change mobile companies/numbers later as when registering a fixed address they will want a Japanese contact number.ertable fixed address. This process can take anywhere from 2 weeks (after arriving) to a month or even more. Quickest way is to use local real estate companies as they advertise/can find/and act as middle men in finding available accomodation inside of your budget and area you want to live in/near. 3. Register address – needs to be done before you can 4. Open a Japanese bank account 5. Apply for a my mumber card. 3b/c. Going back to registering your fixed address at city hall, while you are doing this you can (and will be asked if you need to) sign up for national health insurance/pension. Plus once all this is registered you will be their system so they will send out a postcard to your fixed address in order to sign up for your my number card.

  4. It took three weeks for my number to be mailed to me just recently, one week to receive my debit Visa card from SMBC, it will take up to six weeks to receive the my number physical card.

    Basically expect to need around 90 days of temporary accomodation. I wouldn’t bother with Airbnb unless you feel like spending big. Get a studio apartment with Fontana/Sakura/oak house, it will be cheaper in the long run and isn’t a holiday solution like airBNB, it’s an apartment.

    You don’t need any local documents to work with these companies.

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