I got admitted to the asylum and I have no idea when I can get out

I fell down the rabbit hole and ended up in the asylum. It is 措置入院(involuntary admission) by the Japanese government and I am not allowed to even take a walk outside. It will be a month soon since I have been admitted to this asylum.

At my peak of my manic episode I lost all trust to the authorities and was fearing for my own life and believing someone is out there to get me. I was running around outside wrecking havoc until I got taken to the police station and eventually the hospital 😅 I broke the 和. Unforgivable.

I was told that fastest I could get out is around 2-3 months according to the law. My ADHD is super bad right now It is hard to do my own research and I tend to make a mistake, so it would very helpful if a kind soul could link me to the actual material regarding 措置入院 laws preferably in English. There is an event that I want to go to in 2 weeks and I need to know if it is legally impossible and that I should just save my breath and not bother my doctor to let me go to this event.

P.s. I don’t know if anyone remembers me, but that “expensive” gift was a box of cakes 🤣 the cake thing was just the beginning of my long manic episode 🥲

  1. I’ll think about you everytime I get a paper bag in the department store, apparently prisoners and asylum patients make them.

  2. >There is an event that I want to go to in 2 weeks

    The only thing you should be focused on right now is improving your mental health, which is best achieved by listening to the medical professionals around you

  3. > I was running around outside wrecking havoc until I got taken to the police station and eventually the hospital 😅 I broke the 和. Unforgivable.

    Reading this it kinda sounds like you’re not in the least bit remorseful. Exactly what did you do that the government saw fit to put you up for a few months on their dime?

    From what I understand you’re going to be in there for the full amount they mandated, or if you improved enough that your doctors see you’re fit for early release. If all of this is because you really *really* super want to go to an event and not actually improved to the point that the hospitals sees you’re fit to re-enter society yet, maybe just sit tight and get well for the events down the line.

  4. I would focus on healing and how to learn from the experience. I wouldn’t worry about the event as your priority should be your long term health and not short term gratitude.

    I’d suggest working on an exit plan to return to your home country to complete your healing before returning. Japan isn’t for every one and I believe it contributing to your mental health.

  5. *I don’t know if anyone remembers me, but that “expensive” gift was a box of cakes*

    The present from your bf’s parents that you were supposed to decline?

  6. Oh hey it’s you! I was trying to get you to use TELL last time but you refused saying you mistrusted them. Makes a lot more sense now. Hope you’re starting to calm down from it all and feel better. No chance you’re off to that concert though!

  7. do they have psychologists/therapists you can speak with? it sounds like you need to get some things in order & have someone guide you along a short & long term plan. i think marrying someone to “help out” is a bad idea to marry someone; outside of that, make sure you don’t build up the expectation that you will, because that might fall through.

    most likely you need a diagnosis & perhaps psychiatric meds to help stabilize you in daily life. i know that treatment centers, such as what you’re at, are not the best for proper medical drug administration.

    even if you don’t feel like if it’s in your own best interest right now, do your very best to believe me in saying that you need to get medically & responsibly treated to help with symptoms that could lead you towards another episode. once your brain chemistry is behaving, then begin to calmly make plans.

  8. If you have 措置入院/強制入院 they will not release you until they decide to. You are considered a danger to yourself and possibly to others.

    You can try calling a lawyer or just tell your head doc you are fucking walking out. My guess is that the head doc will tell you it ain’t happening.

    Are you in a national mental hospital?

  9. I just checked ur post history. Girlie you can pm me anytime. I also grew up with a narc mom and have BP disorder and suffer from ANA

  10. Gotta be honest.
    Don’t know if this is a troll or not.
    I didn’t think asylums gave you access to internet.

    With that said, If you’re genuine.

    Have you tried contacting your embassy? Maybe they can help with something.
    Like getting a second opinion or something.

    Also, the event in 2 weeks. Don’t go.

  11. Focus on your mental health. That’s pretty much all you need to do right now. Going to an event is likely not that high on the grand scheme of things priority list.

    Regarding the legal info your asking about and your general situation, contact your embassy/consulate asap. They likely have systems in place to help support you.

    The tone of your post make me think you’re likely still in a manic episode. Seriously, look for any care you can get.

  12. You are living one of my biggest fears, if you feel like your time there isn’t going to be productive in the slightest, I’d just keep my head down and try my best to ride it out

    On the flip side, if you feel that there’s any benefit to being in there i.e. safety, having a routine, taking a break from life then I guess just try to make the most of it

    Hope you end up okay

  13. Assuming this is not fictitious, the main goal you should be working on right now is contacting your country’s embassy for assistance on how to get back to your home country for proper treatment.

  14. Genuinely curious as to why you’d decide to move countries if you’re prone to such intense manic episodes? Genuinely curious why *anyone* would…

  15. I don’t want to be harsh to people with mental health issues but the authorities should really find a way to deport this person.

    If it’s true, this person is not only batshit crazy, but also a nasty human being.

  16. I have no idea if this is real but if it is I feel for you, my brother was stuck in the mental health system and they were not trying to help him at all, they just stuffed them with pills so they are docile and ignored them. But as for your question, I doubt it would work considering how recent the event is and how long it would take for something like this to be approved.

  17. This reads like a 4chan shit post. First time I’ve seen it on reddit. OP you are acting like an entitled brat with some of your comments. Your past is no excuse for your behaviour and you seriously need to get over the concert because you honestly dont deserve to go. Not to mention expecting your partner to make you meals and wipe your ass. Please repost this in AITA and see what they say. Holy shitball.

  18. Please reach out to your loved ones and family.
    If you’re family isn’t based in Japan, do consider going back to them or moving them out here so that they can support you.
    If you’re not comfortable with Japanese, consider moving back to your home country and seeking outpatient medical care. Doctors are able to prescribe medicines (like risperidone) and provide cognitive behavioural therapy, which will greatly help your situation.
    I say all this as I have a family member in Japan who suffers similarly. Please prioritize your mental condition.

  19. Hopefully the medical institution you are in will properly diagnosis you. Once diagnosed they will give you medicine to stabilize your mental condition. Then they will observe you and send you to a counselor before letting you out. I suggest you get a long term counselor. Someone you feel comfortable with and can communicate with freely.

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