Found a new context heavy comprehensible input Youtube channel: Daily Japanese with Naoko

[Link to Daily Japanese with Naoko](

I just stumble on this newer channel. It’s pretty new and it seems she’s still experimenting with the format of the videos a little, but they seem to be trending towards a style somewhat similar to the Comprehensible Japanese channel. They seem to be mostly using hard baked Japanese only sub-titles with furigana. She also uses tons of hand gestures and edits in pictures in order to provide enough context to pick up a lot of unknown words. Definitely worth a look.

1 comment
  1. What a coincidence! I literally just finished watching this channel for the first time and I find this post.

    Another similar channel that I like is Onomappu if anyone wants to check it out.

    It has subtitles in japanese and other languages too.

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