Working Part-Time Alongside My Full-Time Job

Dear Reddit,

I want to double-check something, as my Japanese is still lacking, and I just came back from immigration where the whole conversation was in Japanese.

I want to work part-time next to my full-time job. At immigration, I was told the part-time job falls under the umbrella of my visa (Humanities visa), and therefore, I don’t need to apply or do anything before I start working. Is this true? Or might I have misunderstood something?

1 comment
  1. What’s the part-time job if I may ask? If immigration has told you that special permission isn’t needed, there shouldn’t be a problem.

    Incidentally, did you also get the name of the person who told you so? Always useful in case another immigration official disagrees with their judgement later down the line (it can happen, I’m constantly amazed at how arbitrary immigration is) and you can say “Oh, O-san at the O desk at the O branch told me it was okay”.

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