Which costs less:

Aircon on 自動 at a cooler temperature or with the 風量 on 強 but at higher temperature

  1. In my understanding, it will depend on the temperature but assuming it’s the same, the 自動 would cost less since it turns on-off and adjusts the fan speed automatically in order to keep the set temperature in the most efficient way possible.

  2. I recall reading an article where they experimented and showed that Aircon + circulating fan is more efficient than just Aircon.

    This is not the article, but this came up as first hit in my Google search:
    (In Japanese, sorry if you cannot read it)


  3. It depends if it disconnects at the higher temperature then it should be better. If it keeps working then lower on auto probably better. Personally I set on powerful when I need quick feeling of cool then turn it off.

  4. Temperature is related to energy consumption more than wind flow. That’s why the government always focuses on increasing the temperature.

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