What’s the strongest degreaser for stove vent(kitchen use)?

I’ve been lazy and been putting off cleaning the vent for almost a year so it’s greased up pretty bad. I usually use マジックリン like a normal person, but I’m looking for something stronger. Any recommendations?

  1. Sadly, only elbow grease will get that out perfectly.

    If you’re speaking of the top part then at least it’s not burned and should be washable without too much trouble.

    It’s just a volume issue and having stronger base will not really do the cleaning quicker.

    In any case, HOT water helps a lot, since it’s grease it will melt and be removed more easily by grease removal chemicals.

  2. I find baking soda works great. Make a paste, slather it on, leave it for 10 minutes (if you leave it longer, cover in plastic wrap so it doesn’t dry out), and then wipe off. With vent grease, I often find I don’t even need to wait. Just wipe on, wipe off. Greasy, so worth investing in a roll of paper towels or using your oldest rags as disposables.

  3. I really like using ウタマロクリーナー
    I find it’s quite good for kitchen grease
    You can also use it for pretty much anything – tub, shower room, 洗面所 etc.

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