Placement request survey

Hello! I noticed that a lot of people have been making claims about the significance of placement requests, or lack thereof. Lot of great info on this page from people, but I thought it would be great to have some numbers to put the claims into perspective. I created a survey. Please feel free to fill it out if you have a second. Emails are not collected. Thanks! I plan to release findings if enough people answer.


Edit: Added one last question at the end! It’s not a super important question, just asking if you chose to drop out as a result of placements.

  1. I know you’re doing this in good faith, but it honestly means nothing. We put requests in, but at the end of the day the job is filling vacancies where they’re needed.

    Some people get what they ask for. Some people don’t. The only time it has any impact in where you end up is when it’s for medical, family or other big reasons.

    Overall, the information you gather won’t really mean anything.

  2. Not sure if people will answer, but it would be VERY interesting to ask if after placement, people backed out. JET probably has such estimates, but of course it’s not disclosed.

  3. You should add if participants had a specific reason for their placement request such as family or medical because I think that can lead to a higher chance of getting a requested placement. Yes it’ll be harder to quantify but you could do: did you have a reason for your request: a) medical b) family c) previously lived there d) general; location, sporting interest,

  4. Just out of curiosity, did they change the options? When I applied the options were urban, suburban, and rural.

  5. One thing the survey doesn’t take into account, are the few outliers from countries that have extremely few or even only one possible placement. For Danish people, as far as I know, there are 2 CIR positions (not open at the same time, so you always know which you are applying for) 1 ALT position, and 1 SEA position.

    In the bigger scheme of things, these few data points basically won’t matter, but it is still the reality of some JETs.

  6. If you are looking into why people get certain placements, I’ve heard that it’s first based on what they need (i.e. this city needs a french speaker, that city needs a SEA, this city has specifically requested female JETs, etc.).

    After that it’s almost entirely based on how you scored during the application process.

    You get a point score on your application and interview. When they start making placements they start at those with the highest score and try to meet their requests. If they can’t then they get assigned somewhere nearly randomly.

    They might make some exceptions for people based on certain medical conditions or familial ties etc. But I don’t think they really care too much about trying to meet most of those requests unless possibly for medical stuff. I never talked to anyone or read about that part of how they do placements.

    Anyway, everyone is being graded and that’s how they decided who goes where.

    Hope that helps brings everyone some CLAIRity.

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