Are the 1500 vocabulary words for the JLPT N4 a combination of the N5 and N4 list?

I’m looking online and seeing that there are 1500 vocabulary words to study for the N4, but every list that I find is between 650 – 800 words long. Am I right in assuming that the 1500 number I’m seeing is both the N5 and N4 lists together?

  1. There is no vocabulary/kanji list for the JLPT. Any lists you find online are rough guesses based on past exams.

    > We believe that the ultimate goal of studying Japanese is to use the language to communicate rather than simply memorizing vocabulary, kanji and grammar items. Based on this idea, the JLPT measures “language knowledge such as characters, vocabulary and grammar” as well as “competence to perform communicative tasks by using the language knowledge.” Therefore, we decided that publishing “Test Content Specifications” containing a list of vocabulary, kanji and grammar items was not necessarily appropriate.

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