cat for adoption/mental health

hello! i recently moved to japan to attend college and adopted a very cute kitten. my courseload, however, has increased and my mental health has gotten so bad i don’t know if i’ll be able to take care of both of us. he is insanely sweet, always wants to play/lay on your neck and sleep. he is five months old and has all 3 rounds of shots, plus i have a litter box, bed, cat tower, and food for him.

this is more of an interest check/advice post on what i should do? i would really like for him to be with a family if possible! if anyone has any advice/ may be interested in anything, please let me know! thank you 🙂

  1. where did you adopt him from? if it was from a shelter or rescue group, I would contact them first as they will likely prefer to rehome the animal.

  2. Do cats actually require any significant care? I’ve had a cat for around 3 years now and she’s pretty much autonomous. As long as I dump some food in a bowl, give her occasional treats, and change her litter box regularly, she’s fine.

  3. I’m as certain as I can be that getting a cat has been part of my mental health *improving*. Obv I don’t know you and your situation but I’d say there may be other things than cat care that you should….reshape to ease your situation. Not enough time to care for a cat screams overload. Take care, all the best!

  4. You didn’t adopt a kitten, you bought em from a kitten mill. Why would you buy an animal if you can’t even take care of yourself.. cmon.

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