Itinerary Health Check – 16 Days in Japan

Hi everyone! Going in Japan from October 17th to November 1st, solo-traveling. I’ve been in Japan already for 3 days in Tokyo in the past. I want to mix a bit between temples – nature – nightlife – plain fun. The city next to the day number is the city where I plan to sleep in.

Tips appreciated!

Arrive on October 17th, at 18:30 PM

**DAY 1 – TOKYO**

* Get to Hotel for Check-In (looking near Shibuya)
* Dinner somewhere
* Night walk


* Bus to Kawaguchiko
* Hiking
* Hot-spring

**DAY 3 – KYOTO**

* Morning hike (possibly)
* Train to Kyoto
* Kyoto activities

**DAY 4 – KYOTO**

* Kyoto activities
* Work from Kyoto
* Drinks out

**DAY 5 and 6 – KYOTO**

* Kyoto activities

**DAY 7 – KYOTO**

* Day-trip to Nara

**DAY 8 – OSAKA**

* Train from Kyoto
* Pokemon Center (very rapidly)
* Umeda Sky
* Amerikamura

**DAY 9 – OSAKA**

* Trying breakfast at Rikuro
* Art Museum
* Namba

**DAY 10 – KOBE**

* Train from Osaka
* Kobe activities
* Nice dinner


* Train from Kobe
* Samurai residence
* Kenroku-En


* Takayama hike
* Free time

**DAY 13 – TOKYO**

* Shirakawa
* Train from Kanazawa
* Night out

**DAY 14 – TOKYO**

* Day trip to Kakamura

**DAY 15 – TOKYO**

* Chill
* Halloween

**DAY 16 – TOKYO**

* Chill
* Airport at 11PM

As I mentioned, I’ve been to Tokyo already, so I’m planning to just walk around and do cool stuff, maybe go in cool cafes or sky-views (Ghibli museum is also a possibility).

As for **Kyoto activities**, I feel like I allocated a lot of time to it, I got many suggestions from friends such as:

* Fushimi Inari Taish
* Bambu forest (this one I want to go for sure!)
* Ryoan-Ji (Tea cerimony)
* Nijo Castle
* Kyocera Musem
* Station-area for night out
* Geisha area
* Buying a Kimono

Is this balanced? Too much Kyoto? Should I try to get to Hiroshima? Does it make sense to go to Kanazawa? Am I dismissing Osaka too much? Any cool restaurant/entertainment activity I should consider?

Thank you!

  1. I have seen enough of Kyoto in 3 days, by day 2 I was tired from all the temples and walking in between though my days in Kyoto were pretty action packed so that was on me.

    The bigger hikes in Kyoto will take up roughly 3 hours Arashiyama, Fushimi Inari Taisha.

    I’d probably drop Kanazawa or Kawaguchi in favor of an extra day(s) in Tokyo and Osaka.

    Nara is a great pick, no image will prepare you for seeing those temples irl.

    Other considerations: maybe start off in Osaka and fly back home from Tokyo. You’ll have more time to get used to jetlag. And for easier travel I’d opt for Hakone which is a very nice onsen town with easier train access than Kawaguchi.

  2. For Osaka, I recommend getting the Osaka Amazing Pass (can get the 24 hr or 48 hr) which covers the fare for all the local Osaka trains as well as entrance fee for several attractions (like Umeda Sky). Its perfect for a 2 day itinerary in Osaka. I recommend taking the Tempozan Ferris wheel (night time is better) if you want to get a good view of the city and the bay. The Dotombori river cruise is also pretty nice especially at night. You can do the cruise and then get dinner/drinks at Dotombori after. Both of these are covered by the pass as well so you don’t have to pay anything extra. For the river cruise, night tickets can sometimes sell out so make sure you get your ticket early in the morning.

    Edit: I can’t believe I forgot to mention it but Osaka castle is worth a visit especially if you’re a history buff. IMO one of the best castles in Japan.

  3. I would consider swapping one day from Kyoto to Osaka. Bigger city with more variety. Some cool stuff to consider: Dotomburi, Osaka Aquarium, and Teamlab Planets (light show in a garden at night).

    Kyoto is very touristy and we got tired of it very quickly. Still beautiful mind you, just the vibe isn’t as local anymore. Also try some udons in Osaka which is one of their specialties (plus Okonomyaki).


  4. Tokyo-kanazawa thunderbird to kyoto-osaka thats what I did. I dont like hopping back and forth.

    But overall looks okay. Maybe go to Ise or koyasan to get away from big city life and more nature

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