when should i start learning through immersion?

I’ve heard one of the best ways of learning japanese is through immersion, however, im still at the level where i can understand almost nothing. I’ve memorized all of the kana characters but id still say im below n5. so at what “level” should i start learning immersively?

1 comment
  1. It’s important to understand that ‘input theory’ discusses learning through massive amounts of *comprehensible* input.

    If you’re following input theory learning, you should start more or less immediately, but at first you’ll need something with provided accurate translations, like a listen-and-repeat course or textbook dialogs. (Subtitled shows or having a copy of both the English and Japanese manga do not count here because of the creative license taken.)

    Some of the below may help, some of it will be too advanced. They resources are roughly sorted beginner to advanced.

    — Cut-n-Paste —

    “What can I use for listening practice?”

    https://www.nhk.or.jp/lesson/english/ (NHK lessons – online audio-visual course)

    https://www.erin.ne.jp/en/ (online audio-visual course, many skits)

    https://www.japonin.com/free-learning-tools/teachers-blog.html (Essay style blogs from Japanese teachers)

    https://jlptstories.com/ (JLPT Stories podcast)

    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0ujXryUUwILURRKt9Eh7Nw (三本塾 : Lessons and conversations about Japanese, in Japanese)

    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVx6RFaEtextAg46xfAsD2zz16w (日本語の森 : Japanese lessons in Japanese JLPT focused)

    http://nihongoconteppei.com/ (Easier Podcast from a Japanese teacher)

    http://teppeisensei.com/ (Harder Podcast from a Japanse teacher)

    http://hukumusume.com/douwa/ (福娘童話集 – collected folk & fairy tales, many have audio)

    — Cut-n-Paste —

    “What can I use for reading practice?”

    https://www.erin.ne.jp/en/ (online audio-visual course, but has ‘manga’ version)

    https://tadoku.org/japanese/en/free-books-en/ (Graded Readers)

    https://www.japonin.com/free-learning-tools/teachers-blog.html (Essay style blogs from Japanese teachers)

    https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/80636366 (Crystal Hunters Manga “自然な日本語版”)

    https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/easy/ (Easier versions of the news, with links to the full version if you are up to the challenge)

    http://hukumusume.com/douwa/ (福娘童話集 – collected folk & fairy tales)

    https://www.aozora.gr.jp/ (青空文庫 – public domain works)

    https://syosetu.com/ (小説家になろう! – Web Novel site for aspiring authors)

    — Cut-n-Paste —

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