Noisy bar in the neighbourhood

I live in a rather suburban area. The “bar” next door used to be a hangout for all the oldies in the neighbourhood, where they met for karaoke during the day. The old lady that ran it gave up during COVID, and now it’s been turned into a “proper” guys hangout. Plus karaoke. It now sounds as if there’s a soccer match somewhere in the nearer distance, in other words the noise insulation was fine for old people karaoke, but not for 20-30 middle-aged or younger, drunk guys. It starts to get very annoying and I wonder who to talk to. Not to the very gruff new owners, clearly. I also don’t want my name to come up on any more official response, as there are not that many people with a foreign accent around, so it’d be pretty clear that it was me. Trade supervisory board? Police?

  1. There are laws about noise levels in residential neighborhoods. Although from my experience it’s a pain to get any traction. You can always go to a Kouban and ask for advice. However, I did that once for a noise complaint (delivery bikes at 4am) but the police couldn’t do anything. In the end I appealed directly to the company and they stopped.

    You could appeal to the owner. Even convenience stores put up signs to ask people to be quiet at night.

  2. slightly related, I used to be a delivery driver for a shop and we got bad reviews on google maps due to some of the drivers speeding. owner gave us a stern warning to be careful

    may be an option to leave a comment on the platform

  3. You said rather suburban, so you don’t mean Otsuka right? Sounds like another establishment’s situation.

  4. I’d walk into my ward office and not leave until they find someone who can explain what regulations are applicable. You’d be amazed how far they are willing to go if your number comes up 5 minutes 5, when 5 is closing time.

    Be nice of course, it’s not like they can do anything, but they have all the information you need among them.

  5. I had a noisy bar across the street, doing karaoke with the windows open. Put up with it until 23:00, then called the police.

    They were there in 7 minutes, closed it and made everyone go home. No issues since.

  6. Call the police. Every time. It will end quickly.

    Don’t “gaman.” You’ll snap eventually.

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