Oreo’s, Doritos and other snacks in Japan.

Why are Oreo’s and Doritos so bad here? When I get them they always taste stale and gross for some reason. Is it just me? Does anyone know if there’s actually a difference or am I going crazy?

  1. Different recipes/ingredients due to Japan’s laws and palettes would be my guess.

    You can find American ones at some import stores. Look for the packages that have Japanese nutrition facts stickered over the English.

  2. Doritos are great. Look for the ones in the green bag.
    Oreos are just like any Japanese cookies, though

  3. There’s a Japanese sandwich cookie that comes in a red and white container. I can’t remember the name. Anyway I could swear that they’re the original Oreo recipe.

  4. The Oreos are super gross. They are too fatty and not sweet enough. It is not your imagination. Same with Cheetos. Not sure about Doritos as I don’t really eat them.

  5. Different producers, sightly different recipe for the regional palette.
    I was pumped about the Hokkaido corn doritos, but then I saw they had stevia in them. Such a bummer. There is such a strong impulse to add sugar/sweetener to savory things. 🙁

  6. Make sure you buy Doritos and Cheetos that say EXPORT on the front. Those are US versions. You can find them at more upscale supermarkets, Bic camera, maybe Donki?

  7. I’ve been here all my life and I came to the realization that japanese versions of american snacks are horrible when I visited the US
    I think I ate an entire family size pack of oreos when I visited the US

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