Should I study Computer Science in Japan?

I read that Japanese degrees are worthless internationally. What if I planned to work in Japan after graduation and wanted to move abroad years down the line? Would the degree be useless if I could show that I have years of work experience in Japan after graduation?

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Should I study Computer Science in Japan?**

    I read that Japanese degrees are worthless internationally. What if I planned to work in Japan in graduation and wanted to move abroad years down the line? Would the degree be useless if I could show that I have years of work experience in Japan after graduation?

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  2. (FAANG employee enters the chat…)

    IMO, the “Japanese degrees are worthless internationally” thing mainly applies to things like MBAs. However many Japanese case studies you study and write about, the US likely won’t give a shit, nor will they have heard of the school.

    For computer science, it depends on the school of course but I think you would be pleasantly surprised by the level of the work and where the graduates can go. There’s an entire culture of Japanese engineers working in SF big tech for instance, and of course we have local offices for Google, Microsoft, Amazon etc… neither of these things would be a thing if the schools were shit.

    As always, YMMV – try and get an idea of where previous grads from the schools you’re evaluating have gone.

  3. I feel like it would be *easier* for you in the long run if you take your BSCS in home country then find work after graduating or 2-3 years of work experience

  4. さあ〜/*Saa〜*…

    * If you come from a less developed country, a Japanese CS education will be *just* ok (although poorer than a degree from a North American or EU university).

    * A Japanese CS degree conducted in English might as well be a degree from [T Wealth Institute and Entrepreneur Initiative LLC](

    >Would the degree be useless if I could show that I have years of work experience in Japan after graduation?

    Two problems:

    1. Japanese companies train their employees in a very compartmentalized manner that makes job mobility very difficult. You learn “**The Big Japan *Kaisha* Way**” that really is not valuable outside of Hitachi, Toshiba, Panasonic, et al. You need to limit your Japanese job hunt to foreign companies and flexible start-ups.

    2. Your Japanese CS education will be out of date as will the CS skills you learn in large Japanese companies.

  5. I think the main thing is that are you fluent in Japanese, enough to get through school and then work after, and do you want to live and work in Japan after?

    If you’re from the states though I would recommend to get your degree in the states and then like 2-3 years of working experience before though, but its up to you.

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