What are my options for teaching in Japan as Belgian?

I am interested in teaching English in japan for a year or more,

I’m from Belgium and have a bachelor degree in computer science.

But I read that a requirement is to be from an English speaking country, and Belgium is not English native.

However I do have an English proficiency certificate from IELTS (similar to TOEFL)

What and where are my options to teaching in japan?

  1. If it is only for a year or two and you fully expect to leave Japan at the end, apply to eikaiwa companies. GABA was apparently hiring people from Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria for a while. Eikaiwa workers get humanities visas which doesn’t have a requirement for education beyond just having a bachelor degree.

  2. I’ve seen people from Belgium, Romania etc get jobs but they were attractive. Are you attractive or are you ugly?

  3. * Japan with a lower case j throughout the post except in the title.
    * These:

    >a year or more,
    >What and were are my options to teaching

    * Every sentence has a line break.

    I guess you can work at a major eikaiwa.

  4. Can you get a working holiday visa? If yes it will be pretty easy.
    But without the working holiday definitely more difficult.

  5. Why not program with your degree? There are programming jobs in Japan that don’t need Japanese language ability so you don’t need to do something you aren’t qualified for.

    Your English certificate is to show your English is good enough for university as a student. I help Japanese high school students study for it.

    Another option is to get actual training and licensing to teach.

  6. Check job postings when you apply. Anything that doesn’t have the requirement of being taught in English for 12 years, you can apply for. Be honest about your level, though.

    If you do get over here to teach English, work on finding a CS job as soon as you can.

  7. Just get a job as a programmer. Lots of jobs don’t need any Japanese and pay 7-10 million Yen vs 3 million Eikaiwa pays.

  8. Hey fellow belgian!
    If you’re planning on going like student visa, there’s gonna be no problem for you to find a teaching job here. But if you only want to teach, it’s more difficult, we don’t have access to pvt and get hired overseas non natively English is hard (still possible though) what are your plans more specifically?

  9. Apply to eikawas.
    I used to work at one in Saitama that hired basically anyone. Had a French girl with a super heavy accent.

    If you want to know the place I can DM you. It’s a shot place tho but for a year it will do.

  10. Just a quick reply to people that say just get a job programming, a degree in Computer Science doesn’t mean any knowledge in programming past basic into stuff. I have the same degree and would likely have to teach English as that’s the only thing I could do and not be competing lol

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