Annual ear condition? Been in Japan 8 years

I have been here 8 years and during the past few years – seemingly coinciding with changes in weather temperature (like the recent drop in humidity) I suffer from ear pressure (feeling like I’m underwater) – it comes and goes throughout the day and is pretty irritating and at times just plain distracting – lasts for weeks and then stops for months.

I have been to the ear doctor multiple times who say there is nothing wrong, and my annual health check shows nothing unusual.

Has anyone else suffered from this?

  1. Hey just wanted to let you know I go through the same thing this time of the year the most!

  2. Might be earwax. Then again an ear doctor (otorhinolaryngologist) should see that and remove it

  3. Wtf me too!!! Ive also been here 8 but started like 4 years ago. Its getting worse this year. Why is this?

  4. It could be dry skin/excema. I got this in my home country, haven’t really had it here though. It sounds milder than what I had, I had to go to the doctors to get medicine every time because the pain was so severe I couldn’t sleep, and could barely hear. It could be temporarily inflamed. Did you go to the ear doctor when this happened or between as without the pain it probably would look pretty normal.

  5. I have similar and I think it is due to reduction in humidity possibly more irritants/allergens get into your Eustachian tubes causing immflamation and swelling blocking the tubes and thus your internal ear pressure and outside pressure get imbalanced like they do while on a plane.

    Look into [histamine intolerance]( Certain foods and drinks increase the amount of histamine in the body and it is cumulative. i.e. you might not have any problem usually but increased pollen + red wine + slightly old sushi at a party can tip your total histamine over the limit. The effects of any allergies will be worse due to the increased histamine and associated immflamuation in the body.

    For me, red wine really triggers it and I feel like I have come down with a head cold after drinking it.

    Also the longer you’re in Japan you are the more likely you are to become sensitized to local pollen.

  6. Yes, I get the same thing, too. No tips really. I’ve been seeing an ENT for inflamed adenoids and bring up this clogged feeling every time. Using nasal irrigation (neti pot) helps some, and she prescribed mentakkusu (anti fungal) and Rinderon (steroid) for when it gets itchy and inflamed. Going up and down (driving in the mountains or plane trips) seem to trigger flares. At least I don’t get to the earache stage very often.

  7. I have something similar and finally an ear doctor identified that I had a hair that pushed against my ear drum. It is too close for it to be easily (and safely) removed, but it puts pressure on my ear.

  8. I’ve had that ever since I moved to Japan 17 years ago.

    It’s wax buildup for me (gross I know)

    I just go get out cleaned every once and a while and it’s fine.

    But yeah it’s the worst when you suddenly are blocked and feel like you’re under water.

  9. Had this problem. Japanese ENT said it was nothing. Flew to the US and it got worse upon landing. Visited an ENT in the US and she said I clearly had fluid behind the eardrum. Quickest remedy was to put in a temporary tube in my right ear, clear the fluid. Did the trick in a jiff. Tube ejects itself out of the ear usually in 6-8 months.

    But she suggested that if I have the problem show up again, to use over the counter Afrin spray and Mucinex D to help expel the fluid. Not a guaranteed solution, but works often . I brought both of those back to Japan because I wasn’t sure if they were sold over the counter here. So far whenever I feel that sensation in my ear. I use it for a few days and it’s gone.

  10. Go to a 耳鼻科 and have your ears blown out or invest into a 耳かき and ask your SO to clean them out once in a while.

    Had the same, been living in big cities all my life.
    Don’t let it worsen into tinnitus.

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