[Very low offer but is it enough? ]

Sorry for the long post. Let me declare that i am currently living in a third world country. And i am desperate to move out

I am currently earning around 6 million yen in my local currency.I save 3.5 million yen of that.I have a wife and a pet cat. Now I did not get a very good offer. My current company offered me to move to Japan.
The fixed salary is 6.4 mil yen and a 2.2 mil yen bonus – total 8.5 mil yen plus stocks 50k yen(bogus) – total of 9 mil yen.

My salary per month will be 522000 yen pre tax. I have got 12 years of work experience in IT.I desperately tried to negotiate but they are not willing to . It is more like take Or leave.

I have a frugal lifestyle. I want to save at least 200000 yen every month after tax and the entire bonus of 2 million yen ( I think that is tax free). They are providing me a relocation of 700000 yen ( but no flights)

1.Will i struggle to live in Tokyo with this salary with my family? We are planning on having a kid in the near future and i am okay with Japanese schools
2. Is it possible to save around 4 million yen (200000*12 + 2 million bonus)
3. Will it enough to enjoy a domestic vacation once a year?
4. Is there a chance I can switch jobs in Tokyo maybe after a year? How are the increments in such a case?

I have not been very fortunate in terms of getting opportunities and I am afraid if I lose this one, I may never have another. On the other hand, we have no family weath and I am wondering if I can save enough

Please advice! I am very stressed
About the cat I have started the procedure and I think it will be fine

  1. >entire bonus of 2 million yen ( I think that is tax free)

    Bonuses are not tax free – so there would be tax on this bonus.

    If we take your numbers of 8.5, this ends up around 6.25 after taxes.Realistically, to save 4M based on this is going to be one hell of a challenge if you like to do things such as “eat food”.

    You can rent 1K style places for 80 – 100k per month, but stack bills and food etc ontop of that an you are easily looking at spending over 2M per year – with a cat though, the rent will likely be above this, so you may want to budget 140 – 170k.

    Will it be enough for a vacation, sure, if you dont plan on hitting your savings goal.

    Is there a chance of switching jobs, potentially? It depends if you can find another company who would hire you and sponsor your visa, you would be on an intra company visa if your current company takes you over, this would need to change to a regular work visa but thats not a huge change as long as you meet the criteria.

    Really though, since you just say “IT” its harder to know if the offer is terrible, or okay. 12 years in Software Engineering, its pretty terrible, 12 years in Helpdesk / support, its not that bad.

    Big takeaway though, you are very unlikely to save 4M per year on that salary, to be honestly, fairly unlikely to save 3M.

  2. Why are you dead-set on saving both 2 million yen per month AND the bonus? Doing both is going to be almost impossible and unless you’re trying to retire at 50 I don’t see why you’d be saving like 60% of your salary every month.

  3. I think you could make alot more money in Europe or the US if you’ve got that much experience.

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