Bank is asking to update my resident card which I did months ago?

So I went to draw money out of my Japan post bank account and it said it was unable to process and update your residence information.The thing is I did that in April and haven’t moved at all. I have no idea why it’s asking now. Does anyone have any idea what’s going on?

Edit: I went to the bank they gave me the we have no idea and just had refill out the forms. So there is that I guess but trying to pay rent was very frustrating.

  1. To be clear did you update your residence card with the bank, city hall, immigration, or some combination of the above? If you didn’t update the bank directly they’re not gonna know about anything you did at immigration or the city office.

  2. did you renew it recently? If you didn’t update since last renewal they may ask for it.

    Or someone shat on the filling and you got to show it again

  3. Why don’t you call them and ask? Literally the only way you’re going to find out.

  4. Strangely I’m having the same issue too. I updated mine in August (online) but still getting the notification when I open the app. I keep meaning to contact them about it but haven’t yet

    It’s annoying but I might just try filling it out again just to see if that works, then if not I guess go into a physical branch

  5. this happened to me so many times with Japanese post bank. submitted through their internet Portal/ with actual form in the post office but update residence card notice didn’t went away. it was frustrating. luckily you can take out money using your passbook , putting it in the ATM in the post office.
    switched to smbc and never looked back.

  6. They had me update my resident card (three year validity) three times in one year. When the third time rolled around I said I’m not doing it, I’ll wait til they lock my account. It’s been 2+ years and the message to update my resident card comes up every time, but they’ve never locked my account. The resident card they had on file has been expired for over a year, too. 10/10 system.

  7. Happened to me before, after 2 weeks the notice still there. So I resubmit them, disappeared after next 3 days.
    Fastest is just to go to there physically though.

  8. Hey, the same thing happened to me. They told me it’s a glitch in the system. As long as you can still deposit and withdraw funds, you should be fine. The alert still shows up whenever I log in. It’s been almost a year now.

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