used washing machine broken

I recently bought a used washing machine from a recycle shop on jimoty but it stopped working after 2 uses. I messaged them but they said since I message 5 days after they delivered it and not the period of 3 day warranty they can’t do anything. Does anyone have any recommendations for washing machine repair, or a used appliance store in Tokyo area where they will take the old appliance when you buy a new one?

  1. Hi,

    You have had your pants pulled down by listening to the eggheads on this forum. They always say buy second-hand appliances to save money. DON’T!

    Buying second-hand is OK, if it’s a table or a jacket. As you have found out. you don’t know what you are buying if it is appliances or computer stuff.

    The secondhand guys get their stuff from garbage piles or pick it up from people for free – then sell it to mugs. You will end up putting yours in the garbage and having to pay to get it taken away!

    I got a cheap Muji washing machine for 30,000 yen 12 years ago and it still going strong. I use it every day!

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