Legal advice health insurance

Ive been working at a school where the owner gave me the option when i started if i wanted to have a company insurance 社保険 or national insurance 国民保険 and as i was not smart i told them the national insurance. I work full time and they have more than 5 employees so from my research i believe i should have never of had the choice and that I should have been enrolled into the company insurance from the very beginning. Now i had broken my foot 2 months ago and tried to apply for the assistance with my salary as i couldn’t work. As i don’t have the company insurance i cant get anything. This is not the first time i have had issues with my insurance. i wanted to get the company insurance before and asked the owner but they always “missed something” on the application so it never went through. Im really tired and planning on changing jobs within the next month and i would like to report them in hopes of getting some compensation from all the issues ive had. Another thing that i saw that could be a violation is personal days off. In japan everyone gets 10 days where they can choose when they would like a day off and get paid. Well in my contract that i signed, all my personal days off are already allocated in the schedule. So any day i take off i don’t get paid. From what i researched they can only do this for a max of 5 days. Please let me know if i am owed money from this.

If i am correct with my research who should i contact? Where do i go from here? Also is there a statute of limitations? I will almost be working there a full 2 years next month. Please help.

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