Should I make an additional Kanji deck?

Hi everyone, I’ve been learning Japanese for 3 months and have mainly been using the Core 2k/6k deck and WaniKani, however, I’m realizing that I am starting to have more and more trouble memorizing words and remembering them, mostly because I don’t know the kanji. I also realized that a lot of the time, even if I have forgotten the words meaning, I relatively often manage to guess/remember its meaning AND reading if I already somewhat know the kanji.

So now I’m wondering if making a Kanji deck would actually be helpful or not? And if yes, should I make one myself or should I use a pre-made one? I was thinking that I could add new kanjis that I discover in the Core 2k/6k deck in the self-made one but maybe a pre-made one is just better? Btw for those who have a self made deck, would you mind showing me a screenshot of the front and the back of the card? Thanks in advance!

1 comment
  1. What do you mean with Kanji Deck? Kanji itself don’t have a meaning, so learning them in Isolation is a waste of time.
    Also self made Decks are in all cases better than premade ones

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