Itinerary Check Matsumoto > Kamikochi > Karuizawa > Tokyo

Hi everyone, this is my first post! Would welcome any comment on our planned itinerary, especially if it’s likely to affect our experience.

I’m (27M), travelling with my partner (28F). She’s never been to Japan while I’ve been to Japan multiple times. We enjoy outdoors as well as having good local food. Less so crowds


===18 Oct, wed===

0615 am: Arrive in Tokyo, Narita airport

[Narita -> Shinjuku -> Matsumoto]

Narita 8am -> Shinjuku 9.30am -> 9.55am alpico bus

Reach Matsumoto at 1.30pm
Check in and explore Matsumoto:

Matsumoto City Museum of Art

Nawate Dori shopping street

Yohashira Shrine

Nakamachi Street

Matsumoto Castle

Former Kaichi School

Agatanomori Park


===19 Oct, thurs: continue in Matsumoto===

Other things to do if completed Day 1

Matsumoto City Alps Park OR

Koboyama (short hike to have panoramic view of city)

Asama Onsen or Utsukushigahara onsen

Possible short trip:

Suwa Taisha Kamisha Honmiya

Lake Suwa

Takashimajō Castle Ruins


===20 Oct, Fri ===

Check out of Matsumoto

10.15am: Travel to Kamikochi via Alpico bus

12noon: Arrive at Kamikochi bus terminal

Kamokichi bus terminal

Deposit luggage at bus terminal

Walk to Yokoo Sanso (3 hours walk away)

Lunch at Kappa Bridge area

By 4 pm: check in at Yokoo Sanso


===21 Oct, Sat===

0600 wake up

Hike to Karusawa Cirque

Have lunch at Karusawa Cirque before hiking back down and checking in to Tokusawa Lodge


===22 Oct, Sun ===

(seems like the most time-tight day)

Kamikochi -> Karuizawa

Bus from Kamikochi -> Matsumoto [1 hour 40 mins]: 7.50am, 9.30am, 10.40am
Train at Matsumoto -> Nagano (Nagoya to Nagano train) [50 mins]: 11.06am, 12.06pm, 1.06pm
Train at Nagano -> Karuizawa (Kanazawa to Tokyo train): 12.29pm (Asama 616), 1.26pm (Asama 618), 2.03pm (Asama 642), 2.29pm (Asama 620)

Check in around 4 pm


Kyukaruizawa Ginza-dori (Old Karuizawa Shopping street)

Kumoba Pond


===23 Oct, Mon===

Day trip to Kusatsu onsen + Shiraito Falls
– Kusakaru Kotsu bus

If there’s time: Karuizawa Prince Shopping Plaza

We’re unable to find proper bus schedules for the day trip out, we would appreciate immensely if someone is able to find an updated schedule!

===24 Oct, Tues ===

Day trip to Onioshidashi Park
– Seibu bus

Even more challenging is to find a Seibu bus schedule, to find out arrival timings and departure timings. Again, we would appreciate if someone knows where we may find an updated schedule!

Return to Karuizawa and explore

Karuizawa Stone Church

Kōgen Church

Karuizawa Wild Bird Sanctuary

Picchio Visitor Center

Harunire Terrace


===25 Oct, Wed===

Finish exploring Karuizawa

Travel from karuizawa to Tokyo

Explore around our accoms in Mukojima


===26 Oct, thurs===


Explore the Kichijoji neighbourhood

Unfortunately we were not able to get our hands on the Ghlibi museum tickets due to the (cursed) website, but the area around looks really nice to explore!


===27 Oct, Fri===


Unsure, possibly Day trip to Hitachi seaside park


===28 Oct, sat===


A few hours in the morning before we head for the airport for our flight back

Thank you for reading up to this point!

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